The 5th line of the Treble Clef.
What is line F?
The First space of the Treble Clef.
What is space F?
The 1st line of the Bass Clef.
What is line G?
The 4th space of the Bass Clef.
What is space G?
The Clef used for High Notes
Treble Clef
The 3rd line of the Treble Clef.
What is line B?
What is space E?
The 5th line of the Bass Clef.
What is line A?
The 1st space of the Bass Clef.
What is space A?
The Clef used for low notes
Bass Clef
The 4th line of the Treble Clef.
What is line D?
The 2nd space of the Treble Clef.
What is space A?
The 3rd line of the Bass Clef.
What is line D?
The 3rd space of the Bass Clef.
What is space E?
One Flat is the Key of ___?
The 1st line of the Treble Clef.
What is line E?
The 3rd space of the Treble Clef.
What is space C?
The 2nd line of the Bass Clef.
What is line B?
The second space of the Bass Clef.
What is space C?
One Sharp is the Key of _____?
The second line of the Treble Clef.
What is line G?
The word that the spaces of the Treble Clef spell.
What is FACE?
The 4th line of the Bass Clef.
What is line F?
The saying to remember the spaces of the Bass Clef that includes cows.
What is All-Cows-Eat-Grass?
The note that separates the Treble and Bass Clef.
What is Middle C?