The study of language as a self-contained system
What is linguistics?
Alternation of speaking role in conversation
What is turn-taking?
A sign modality that gets its meaning from convention
What is a "symbol"?
A variety of language that employs hand shape, movement, facial expressions, hand position
What is ASL?
The field that studies of the relationship between language and society
What is sociolinguistics?
diversity or multiplicity of ways of talking
What is heteroglossia?
Small utterances that often occur simultaneously with other talk to demonstrate listenership
What are continuers / back-channel cues?
A sign that gets its meaning from resemblance
What is an "icon"?
Ideograms and smileys used in electronic communication, many of them iconic but also symbolic
What are emojis?
The idea that some languages are the "right" type
What is language ideology?
People erroneously believe there are 36, and 54, and 72, and 150 of them
What are "Eskimo words for snow"?
Anticipating the end of one speaker's turn in order to be prepared to begin speaking
What is projection?
The reason people associate intelligence with certain ways of talking
What is indexicality?
Visual representation of some dimensions of speech, often using the rebus principle
What is writing?
Tests that assume a single correct answer
What are standardized tests?
Principles that guide respectful interaction and forbid secret recording
What are ethics?
The combination of speed, volume, pitch, intonation, directness or indirectness, self-disclosure, jokes, and stories
What is conversational style?
A layer between the world and our perception or processing of it
What is (semiotic) mediation?
The characteristic of being able to refer to things not present in time or space
What is displacement?
A variety of American English that has a form of copula deletion that indicates habitual or extended action
What is Black English / African American Vernacular English / African American English?
A study that looks at the situation of a speech event as well as the speech that occurs within it
What is ethnography of speaking?
shared focus, often created through conversational style
What is joint attention?
A type of sign that gets its meaning through association
What is an index?
A platform for interaction that provides two-dimensional representation of participants, often deplored
What is Zoom?
A group of people with regular interaction, who may develop specific ways of speaking
What is a community of practice?