What degree of adjective is maximus?
What are the principle parts of capio?
capio, capere, cepi, captus, a, um
Definition: liberi (m)
Is ingens, ingentis a noun, adjective or participle?
Fill in the blank:
miser, x, x
miser, misera, miserum
What is the 2nd person singular form of ingredior?
What is the genitive of dies?
Give me the comparative and superlative of longus, a, um.
longior, longius
longissimus, a, um
fulgur, fulguris (n)
What is the dative of quattor?
What is the genitive of melius?
What is the future participle of pulso, pulsare, pulsavi, pulsatus, a, um?
pulsaturus, a, um
Definition: cornu, us
No long mark on the genitive
pax Romana
What is the declension and genitive of tempus?
3rd declension/ temporis
What is the superlative of celer, celeris, celere?
celerrimus, a, um
What is the future passive infinitive of amo?
amaturus iri