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What is the most common language spoken in Pakistan
What is the most common language in Chile?
What was the first Romance Language introduced in North America after European colonization?
What is the most common language spoken in Austria?
Name an African country where the language Afrikaans is most common in.
Correct Answers: South Africa or Namibia
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Double Points
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Double Points
Which French-Speaking city in Canada neighbors Montreal and was once colonized by the French and British?
Quebec City
What was the first Romance Language in Europe?
Name 3 of the most common Bantu Languages
Correct Answers: Bemba, Shona, Swahili, Zulu, Rundi, and Xhosa.
Name 7 languages in India
Correct Answers: Assamese, Bangla, Bodo, Dogri, Gujarati, Hindi, Kashmiri, Kannada, Konkani, Maithili, Malayalam, Manipuri, Marathi, Nepali, Oriya, Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu, Santali, Sindhi, and Urdu
Identify the language spoken in South America:
"bem vindo ao clube de linguística"
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Name 7 Slavic Languages
Correct Answers: Russian, Polish, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Czech, Slovak, Bulgarian, Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian, and Slovenian
Which African country has both French and Arabic as its official languages?
What Asian alphabet is represented with letters that replicate the position of an individual's mouth (mouth articulation)?
What country in South America is primarily English Speaking?
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Identify the European Language:
"Welke taal ben ik?"
Which African country is "Amarhic" the most common language?
What are the three Asian languages that are part of the Uralic family and are spoken in certain parts of Europe?
Hungarian, Estonian, and Finnish
What is the oldest South American language that is native to Peru and was spoken by the Incans?
Which European language has the most grammatical cases in its grammar?