Phonology & Morphology
Syntax & Semantics
Pragmatics & Registers
Grab Bag

This term refers to the smallest meaningful unit of language.

What is a morpheme?


This type of sentence has one independent clause.

What is a simple sentence?


Expectations that we answer with not too little information nor too much information is part of what branch of linguistics?

What is pragmatics? Specifically, the maxim of quantity.


A speaker who says "cahd" for "card" is mostly from ______.

What is the Eastern US?


Why we have words in English with silent 'k' like knee.

What is the influence of Old English (used to be pronounced--cneo)?


The beginning sound in this word: thin?

What is /Ɵ/ ?


These words sound the same, but are spelled differently. Ex: bear and bare.

What are homophones?


This aspect of linguistics helps us describe the difference between the way we talk to a friend vs. the way we talk to our boss.

What is a register?


A person with this dialect might say, "I'm fixin' to leave."

What is southern dialect (in the US)?


The historical event that resulted in English having two words for animals that are alive and dishes served for eating (ex. pig and pork).

What is the Normal Conquest? Or what is the influence of French rule?


When making these sounds, your vocal cords do NOT vibrate.

What are voiceless sounds?


This is the expected order of sentences in English.

What is SVO?


The type of speech act in which the speaker makes a promise or commitment. Ex: I'll meet you after class.

What is a commissive?


Soda and pop indicate which of the following ways that dialects are distinguished: grammar, pronunciation or vocabulary?

What is vocabulary?


Words that are similar in both the native language and English. Ex. universidad and university

What are cognates?


This type of derivational mopheme is a prefix meaning 'not.'

What is un-? (There are other possibilities also.)


The kind of phrase represented by:

the old gray mare

What is a noun phrase?


Telling a lie and having the listener believe it is related to which of Grice's Maxims? Maxim of quantity, relevance, manner, or quality?

What is the maxim of quality (tell the truth)?


Lines that sociolinguists draw that indicate where words and pronunciations occur.

What are isoglosses?


According to Leslie Grant, some of the best ways to help learners develop language (as opposed to decontextualized worksheets).

What are authentic songs, poems, and stories?


The total number of morphemes in the word: renewal.

What is 3 (re- + new + -al)?


When a word has more 'connections' that just the definition (ex. squanders).

What is connotation?


In some cultures, it is respectful to look down when talking to someone with authority. In US schools, the expectation is to look at the authority figure.

What is eye contact? Or what is pragmatics? Or what are cross-cultural expecations for conversations?


Even though not considerd standard, a speaker saying hisself instead of himself is demonstrating _______ in language use.

What is systematicity?


According to Grace, these types of words make up most of our vocabulary in English.

What are Anglo Saxon, Latin, and Greek?