What is Link preparing for?
He is preparing for his bar mitzvah which is December fourth.
How does Dana feel about Links bar mitzvah?
She thought it was stupid at first but now she thinks differently.
Micheal is...
Artistic and creative.
What did he do to help the paper chain?
He posted the videos and gained awareness on the situation, helping the school gain more paper to complete the paper chain.
She is friends with Link to give him advice for his bar mitzvah and because she is the only one that understands him because she is the only one that isn't jewish.
Links close friends are?
Pouncey, Jordie, and Dana are some of his close friends.
Dana is offended by the swastikas because only her and Link are Jewish in the whole school.
Jordie is...
Understanding and considerate.
They don't like ReelTok because he is recording all the students and they don't like that he is posting all these bad things about his towns.
Where was the last swastika found?
It was found in Shadbush County warhouse by the steps.
What is the name of the town Link lives in?
The town Link lives in is called Chokecherry.
Whats Danas little brothers name?
His name is Ryan.
Dana Levinson is...
She is caring.
What does ReelTok do on his account?
He rants to his followers about the worlds problems and about places that are bad.
What was Link doing when the news reporters came up to him?
He was shopping for a bar mitzvah suit.
What did Link recently find out? (Hint: Religion)
He found out his grandma survived the holocaust and she was given to the nuns to help her survive.
What is Danas social class?
Link is... (Social Status and Char Trait)
Link is a popular and loyal person.
What does ReelTok do for a living?
ReelTok records videos and he vlogs on his channel for his followers.
Who organized the student counsil meeting?
Caroline McNutt.
What is Link constantly doing on his phone and computer?
He is studying for his bar mitzvah.
What do Link and Dana have in common?
They are both Jewish and they both had/ are having a bar mitzvah.
Pouncey is a... (Hint: Type of person)
Pouncey is a pessimistic and negative.
The chamber of commerce or Links Dad.
Micheal Amarosa.