Making Inferences
Context Clues
Denotative and Connotative Meanings
5 Elements of a Short Story
I quickly packed my suitcase. I tossed in a change of clothes, a toothbrush, and a hairbrush. Glancing at my watch, I zipped the suitcase and walked to the front door. After I shut the window blinds, I pulled a heavy coat from the closet. Which inference is supported by specific information in the passage? The narrator has new luggage. The narrator is going to take a short trip. The narrator likes being outdoors in winter. The narrator is going to the airport.
What is The narrator is going to take a short trip
I felt sorry for the poor pathetic dog after he was dropped off along the road in the rain. In this sentence, the word pathetic means cheerful joyful happy sad
What is Sad
A denotation of foxy is "like a fox" and the connotation is Dumb Ignorant Shy Clever
What is Clever
The time and location in which a story takes place is called what?
What is the Setting
The people that carry out the action in a story are called what?
Who are the Characters
Furthermore, the recycling program will create jobs. People are also needed to maintain the recycling facility and to repair machinery. Finally, the program could transform our city. You know how you feel when you clean out a messy room? Well, that is how we all will feel when the recycling program takes effect. It will be like cleaning out the city to make it more attractive. It could be life-changing! True/False. Readers can infer that the writer feels strongly about the topic of a citywide recycling program.
What is True
Ashley stared at the newest style of jeans in the catalog. She just had to have them. Her birthday money was not quite enough to cover the expense. Although she didn't want to grovel, she decided to plead with her parents for the money to buy them. In this sentence, the word grovel means network revolt resist plead
What is Plead
Which is the best answer? Which would you be if you hadn't eaten for several days? Hungry or Starving
What is Starving
The underlying meaning or main idea of a story is called the what?
What is the Theme
A comparison of two unlike things that does not include like or as is called a what?
What is a Metaphor
Terry was at school. He left his classroom to pay for his school lunch. As he left the classroom, he put his money in his pocket. His pocket had a hole in it. When Terry got to the lunchroom to pay for his lunch, he didn’t have any money. Terry lost his money because
What is He had a hole in his pocket
The departing president of the organization gave his valediction. When he was through, he welcomed the new president to the podium. In this sentence, the word valediction means beginning farewell welcome starting
What is Farewell
Which is the best answer? Which would you rather be called? Thrifty or cheap
What is Cheap
The struggle or opposition of forces, essential to the plot is called the what?
What is Conflict
Literary term that means giving human characteristics to something that is not human.
What is Personification
It was raining outside. Sue got out of bed and got dressed for school. Then, she ate breakfast and grabbed her backpack. Before Sue left the house, she probably
What is picked up an umbrella
Although the cabinet was ligneous, it wasn't made with real wood. In this sentence, the word ligneous means a. wood-like b. brown c. native d. empty
What is Wood Like
Which connotation is more positive? We saw ? animals in the animal house. Weird Fascinating Mundane Commonplace
What is Fascinating
Don't judge a book by its cover is an example of what element of a short story?
What is Theme
What term means category or kind of story?
What is Genre
You can do many things at the beach. When the tide is out, you can fill your pail full of sea water. You can build sand castles in the sand on the beach. You can jump in the waves and swim. What is this story mostly about?
What is There are many things to do at the beach.
The tornado annihilated the whole town to the point that nothing was left standing. In this sentence, the word annihilated means constructed created destroyed saved
What is Destroyed
Which connotation is more negative? Mike ? us to go to the funny house. Requested Nagged Reminded Required
What is Nagged
The series of events within the story is called the what?
What is Plot
What genre of writing takes place in the future and includes advanced technology in the story?
What is Science Fiction