Syllables and sounds

What is another word for angry?

Mad, furious, irritated, displeased.


Which sentence is correct?

a) I always got the new iPhone.

b) I always have the new iPhone.

b) I always have the new iPhone.


Which sentence is correct?

a) Hello, my name is Bob. What's your name?

b) hello, my name is Bob. what's your name?

c) Hello my name is Bob. What's your name?

a) Hello, my name is Bob. What's your name?

Capital letters at the start of a sentence.

Capital letters for names. 

Comma when we take a pause in a sentence.


How many sounds in frost?

5! f-r-o-s-t


Which word is a noun?

a) table

b) sunny

c) jump

a) table

A noun is an person, place or an object.


What is another word for said?

Replied, stated, announced, commented.


Which sentence is correct?

a) I watch Spiderman last night, it was so good!

b) I watched Spiderman last night, it was so good!

b) I watched Spiderman last night, it was so good!


Which sentence is correct?

a) "Yay!" I screamed. I won the race.

b) "Yay" I screamed I won the race.

c) Yay I screamed. I won the race.

a) "Yay!" I screamed. I won the race.

Quotation marks when someone is talking. 

Exclamation mark when using expression (screaming, yelling).

Full stops.


How many syllables in the word compacted?

3! com/pact/ed 

Compacted means to tightly press or pack something together. 


What is a verb?

A doing word. 

Jumping, talking, running, working, writing, singing.


What is another word for good?

Fine, acceptable, satisfactory


Which sentence is correct?

a) I walked to the park and saw a lemon tree.

b) I walked to the park and see a lemon tree.

a) I walked to the park and saw a lemon tree.


Which sentence is correct?

a) "Help! I can't swim." 

b) "Help. I can't swim!."

c) "help! i can't swim!"

a) "HelpI can't swim." 

Capital letters, exclamation marks and correct use of full stops.


How many sounds in the word time?

3! t-i-me

Silent e at the end does not have it's own sound.


When do we use "quotation marks"?

When someone is talking. 

"I love school" I said. "Me too!" my friend replied.


What is another word for quiet?

Silent, hush, mute


Which sentence is correct?

a) "When are we go to the park?" said to my mum.

b) "When are we going to the park?" I said to my mum.

c) "When are we gone to the park?" I said to my mum.

b) "When are we going to the park?" I said to my mum.

Which sentence is correct?

a) I love fishing, camping and being outdoors. 

b) I love fishing camping and being outdoors

c) I love fishing, camping and being outdoors

a) I love fishing, camping and being outdoors. 

Comma when listing things.

Full stops


How many sounds in the word shame?

3! sh-a-me 

Which word is in the present tense?

Running, eating, cried, walked, watch, played, stopped, thought, tried. 


I will watch a movie with you.