Say the word water
How do you spell big + er
What is bigger
How do you spell try + ed
What is tried
What is the prefix in the word on the word prefix
How do you divide corner into syllables
What is cor/ner
Say the word many
How do you spell star + ing
What is starring
How do you spell fly + ing
What is flying
What is the suffix in the word marked
How do you divide poem into syllables
What is po/em
Say the word around
How do you spell clap +ed
What is clapped
How do you spell play + ed
What is played
What is the suffix in the word slowly
How do you divide valentine into syllables?
What is val/en/tine
Say the word their
How do you spell fast + est
What is fastest
How do you spell lucky + est
What is the suffix in the word remaking
How do you divide breaks into syllables?
Say the word squirrel
If a word has one syllable, one, vowel, AND one final consonant, the last consonant must be doubled before adding a vowel suffix such as –ed or –ing. Is this the doubling rule?
If the letter before the y is a vowel, keep the "y" If the letter before the y is a consonant, change the "y" t an "i" (unless the suffix is - ing). Is this the "y" rule?
What is the the prefix in the word undoing
How do you divide contribute into syllables?
What is con/trib/ute