Who was the first US president?
George Washington
What is the biggest country in the world by land mass?
How old must you be to vote in US elections?
Who is the author of "Norway Goes Electric"?
Lisa M. Herrington
What is the world's biggest fish?
whale shark
Other than Washington DC, what other city has been our nation's capital?
Philadelphia, PA
New York, NY
What imaginary line of latitude runs thorugh the country of Ecuador?
the Equator
What do we call the first ten amendments to the US Constitution?
The Bill of Rights
Read "Do Phones Belong in School"?
Where do students at Frederick H. Tuttle Middle SChool have to put their phones during school?
in a locked box
What NBA tem has won the most championships?
the Celtics
In what year was the Declaration of Independence signed?
What is the deepest of the Great Lakes?
Lake Superior (depths below 1,300 feet)
What do you call the extra money you pay when you borrow money from a bank?
Read "Do Phones Belong in Schools"
What reasons do parents and students give for disagreeing with the phone ban?
They say teens need their phones to stay in touch in case of emergencies
Who was the drummer for the Beatles?
Ringo Starr
What was the last state added to United States
Hawaii (1959)
Name THREE countries that border China.
Mongolia, Russia, North Korea, India, Pakistan, Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar, Nepal, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan
What is the name for a tax on an imported good?
Read "Norway Goes Electric"
What is the meaning of the word incentives as it is used in the text?
What tusked animal used to roam Asia before going extinct around 5,600 years ago?
the Whooly mammoth
What 21st century law gave broad authroity to the federal government to fight the War on Terror and surveil US citizens?
the Patriot Act
In his speech on Tuesday Night, Donald Trump referenced Lesotho saying it was a country "nobody has ever heard of." Lesotho is, in fact, an African country completly landlocked inside of what other African nation?
South Africa
What is the term limit of a Supreme Court Justice
Trick question: They serve for life
Read "Lunch is Served"
Which detail helps explain why Singapore
wants to increase their local food sources?
A) "2 billion people around the world regularly consume insects."
B) "Bugs are an environmentally friendly food source."
C) "Insects can help meet the global demand for protein rich food."
D) "The country imports 90 percent of its food."
D) The country imports 90 percent of its food.
What is Bluey's dad's full name on the show Bluey?
Bandit Heeler