Authors Purpose/ POV
Fact and Opinion
Main Idea
Story Elements
When the author’s primary purpose is to compel readers to take action, convince them of an idea through argument, or to reaffirm their existing beliefs.
What is Persuade
When a statement can be proven to be either true or false
What is a Fact
What do we ask ourself when looking to identify the main idea in a passage or text?
What is What or who is the passage mostly about
The time and place of the story
What is the setting
Two words that have similar meanings.
What is synonyms?
When the authors main purpose for writing is to amuse readers.
What is Entertain
Sunflowers are the prettiest flowers
What is Opinion
Truman grabbed his fishing pole and tackle box and hurried down to the pond. Sitting down on the dock that jutted into the pond, he opened his tackle box and chose a blue plastic worm. Carefully, Truman worked the hook through the water and began working the fishing line. After five casts, a fish hit the line. Carefully Truman pulled back to set the hook, and began reeling in his catch. Truman pulled in the biggest fish he had ever seen in his life. He could hardly wait to run home and show it to his family. What is this passage mostly about? a. A day at the pond b. Fishing at the pond c. Baiting a hook d. Sitting on the dock
What is (b) Fishing at the pond
The underlying message or lesson that the author tries to convey.
What is Theme
The suffix -ful like in hopeful.
What is full of
The point of view that uses the the pronouns they, she, Jim and him and Sam
What is Third Person Point of View
George Washington was a general in the continental army before becoming the first president of the United States
What is Fact
Minerals are substances in rocks that industries use to manufacture products. Unlike plants and animals, minerals are not alive. Most minerals are hard, and many of them have to be dug from under the ground. A practice known as mining is used to bring the minerals from beneath the earth's surface. Some minerals, such as coal, can be used in the form in which they are found. However, most minerals have to be changed in some way before they can be used. Oil is broken down into many valuable products, such as gasoline and natural gas. Which sentence tells the main idea of the story? a. Minerals used in industries are mined from beneath the earth. b. Minerals are found in rocks. c. Oil is broken down into gasoline and natural gas. d. Mining is the practice of bringing minerals up from underground.
What is (a) Minerals used in industries are mined from beneath the earth.
Name the three parts of the plot in a narrative piece
What is climax, plot events and resolution
I walked about 1000 miles to get home yesterday is an example of what type of figurative language.
What is hyperbol
Some dark night Shelly said “I hate squirrels” but really she loved them. Carol said, “They smell” but she loved them, too. Both of them thought that squirrels were pretty cute.
What is Third Person
What sentence is an opinion in the following passage? Mom brought the new baby home from the hospital today. She only weighs 8 pounds and is wrapped in a light pink blanket. Mom said the baby might keep me from sleeping tonight. They think she is the prettiest baby ever born! I don't like the way she cries and screams for food.
What is They think she is the prettiest baby ever born!
A mother rabbit is gentle when she cares for her offspring. Before they are born, she builds a soft padded nest in a hollow scraped under the grass or in a burrow between the large roots of a tree. She carefully shreds leaves and collects grass to line the nest. Then she pulls bits of fur from her coat to make a warm bed. When baby rabbits are born, they have no fur and they cannot see. Because of this, the mother rabbit never leaves the nest without covering it with more leaves and grass to protect her offspring. What is the main idea of this story? a. Rabbits live in nests or burrows b. The mother rabbit uses her own fur to make a warm bed c. Rabbits are gentle d. A mother rabbit carefully cares for her babies
What is (d) A mother rabbit carefully cares for her babies
This trait describes what the character looks like
What is Physical Trait
Hints found in the passage that help the reader understand new words and make inferences.
What is context clues
It was a glorious morning in Alabama. The sun was shining through the trees. Alan couldn't wait to find his fishing pole and call his friend Sam to go fishing. They had a great time on these early morning fishing trips. They took their dogs with them and the dogs would swim in the lake while they fished. What is the author’s purpose?
What is Entertain
What sentence is an fact in the following passage? Rebecca and Christian were discussing sports at lunch. "Softball is definitely the best sport to play," declared Rebecca. “Softball has all the same positions as baseball - pitcher, catcher, first base, second base, and all the rest. I think you would like softball if you tried it." Christian agreed that it sounded like a fun sport to play.
What is softball has all the same positions as baseball - pitcher, catcher, first base, second base, and all the rest.
Sand is made when rocks break into smaller pieces. Over a long period of time, wind, frost, and rain work against mountain cliffs and break off pieces of rock which fall down the mountainside. As the rock bounces down, it breaks off other pieces of rock it hits, and also breaks into smaller pieces itself. The water of rivers and oceans ruch against rocks, abreaking them into smaller and smaller pieces. The heavy ice of glaciers scrapes and grinds the rocks it moves along. the ice carries the sand it has made and dumps it in other places. All over the world, the ocean waves tear at the rocks along the shore, wearing them down until finally the rocks are so small they become what we call sand. What is this story mainly about? a. wind, frost, and rain b. Making sand c. Journey of a rock d. Beaches around the world
What is (b) Making sand
The part of the narrative in which the main characters problem is revealed.
What is conflict
Famous: Well-known:: Light:______ a) loud, b) dark, c) bright, d) high
What is (c) bright