Which genre means that a story isn't real?
Name the correct punctuation mark: Where are we eating today ___
How fast can Declan run?
Super fast
What is the past tense of the word sing
What do you use to edit your paper?
A pen or computer
Opinion or fact? The beach is way more fun than the pool.
I bought too/two/to many pairs of shoes at the store.
How many swings are on the swing set in the playground?
What is a verb?
an action word
How do you spell another word for grown up
What is foreshadowing?
When an author of a story provides warning/hints about future events.
What is an opposite word (antonym) for /kind/ ?
evil, unkind, mean
How many (sideways) hands tall is Mr. C?
What is a noun?
A person, place or thing
What is another word (synonym) for the word /good/ ?
great, excellent, fantastic, awesome...
Name two types of fiction genres.
Realistic, Mystery, Fantasy, Science fiction
What is the adverb in the sentence: Gus quickly ran to the store to pick up some red tomatoes for dinner.
What is the name of the new pow wow grounds?
Shiningwood Bay
What does the suffix
/ed / mean?
ed means that the action has already happened or past
What does the prefix /mis/ mean?
wrong or badly
The following is an example of what what kind of text structure? I forgot my umbrella at school so I got soaked on my home. A. Compare/contrast B. Problem/solution C. Cause/effect
Cause / effect
This letter must always be capitalized when written by itself or in a contraction.
What is the Anishinaabemowin word for Christmas
Correct the error in this sentence. We saw large four black snakes in the woods.
We saw four large black snakes in the woods.
What type of writing is used to influence the reader with logic, language, and evidence?