Food is life
Magical animals
From Care Bear stare to Elsa's glare
Octopi, Sharks and Squirrels oh my!
Mixed bag

Which fish is most popular in Indigenous Culture?

A) Salmon

B) Halibut

C) Cod

D) Sea bass

A) Salmon

Salmon has been a very important food source for the Indigenous peoples for thousands of years. They often smoke and dry the fish to preserve it. 


Which fish is considered to be at the top of the marine food chain and is known as an apex predator?

A) Salmon

B) Tuna

C) Walrus

D) Shark

D) Shark

Sharks are considered apex predators and are at the top of the food chain. They help control the populations of species below them. 


What is the name of Elsa's sister in Frozen?

A) Jill

B) Beatrice

C) Anna

D) Tracy

C) Anna


Which squirrels can glide from tree to tree?

A) Black squirrels

B) Grey squirrels

C) Flying squirrels

D) Indian Giant squirrels 

C) Flying squirrels

Flying squirrels spread the muscle membrane between their legs and body and glide in the air. They can glide up to 160 feet, making it look like they can fly.


Where do the Care Bears live?

A) Care Bear stare

B) Care Bear palace

C) Happy Clouds

D) Care-a-lot

D) Care-a-lot

The Care Bears live in a far away place up in the clouds called Care-a-Lot, which is a part of the Kingdom of Caring.


Wurst is a type of?

A) Steak

B) Sausage

C) Vegetable

D) Bacon

B) Sausage

There are around 1,500 types of sausages in Germany including bratwurst, blutwurst, currywurst, weisswurst and rostbratwurst.  


Sharks live in all five of the world's oceans.

A) True

B) False

A) True

Sharks live in all five of the world's oceans: The Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, Arctic and Southern oceans.


What are Elsa's magical powers?

A) Ability to control rocks

B) Ability to control ice and snow

C) Ability to control fire

D) Ability to control time

B) Ability to control ice and snow

Elsa was born with the ability to create and control ice and snow.


What is the largest shark species?

A) Whale shark

B) Hammerhead shark

C) Blue shark

D) Great White shark

A) Whale shark

The whale shark is the largest shark, and fish, at about 50 feet in length and over 40,000 pounds.


___________ is a boneless cutlet of meat that is breaded and fried and often served with lemon.

A) Spatzle

B) Sauerbraten   

C) Schnitzel

D) Brezel

C) Schnitzel

Schnitzel is often a boneless cutlet of either pork, veal or chicken that is coated in breadcrumbs and fried. There are many different types of schnitzel including Wiener Schnitzel, Hamburg-style schnitzel and Jägerschnitzel.


Three sisters soup includes what vegetables?

A) Corn, squash and onions

B) Corn, squash and beans

C) Corn, carrots and lentils

D) Corn, beef and celery

B) Corn, squash and beans

Three sisters soup is prepared with corn, squash and beans. In indigenous communities, these crops are called the "Three Sisters" because they help each other grow when planted side by side. 


How many hearts does the octopus have?

A) 3

B) 10

C) 2

D) 1

A) 3

The octopus has three functioning hearts. Two of the hearts work to move blood to the gills, while the third pumps blood throughout the rest of the body. 


Which bear is considered to be the leader of the Care Bears?

A) Harmony bear

B) Funshine bear 

C) Tenderheart bear

D) Friend bear

C) Tenderheart bear

Tenderheart is thought of as the leader of the Care Bears organizing their efforts to help spread love and care around the world and keep their own home of care-a-lot in working shape. 


What colour is the blood of an octopus?

A) Red

B) Blue

C) Pink

D) Black

B) Blue

Their blood is copper-based instead of iron-based. Copper-based blood is more efficient at transporting oxygen at low temperatures and makes their blood blue in color.


What is the name of the mountaineer in Frozen?

A) Kristoff

B) Olaf

C) Sven

D) Hans

A) Kristoff


What is Germany's most famous dessert?

A) Apple strudel 

B) German apple cake

C) Egg tart

D) Black forest cake

D) Black forest cake

Germany's most famous cake is Schwarzwalder Kirschtorte, which literally means black forest cherry torte. The cake is made of alternating layers of rich chocolate cake, cherries and whipped cream. It is then topped with more cream, maraschino cherries and chocolate shavings. Traditionally it is made with cherry liqueur.


Name the three types of squirrels?

A) Water squirrels, tree squirrels and ground squirrels

B) Tree squirrels, ground squirrels and flying squirrels

C) Tree squirrels, ground squirrels and grey squirrels

D) Helicopter squirrels, tree squirrels and grey         squirrels.

B) Tree Squirrels, ground squirrels and flying squirrels

There are over 200 species of squirrels, catagorized into three types: tree squirrels, ground squirrels and flying squirrels. 


Which bear is not one of the original 10 Care Bears?

A) Harmony Bear

B) Tenderheart Bear

C) Friend Bear

D) Love-A-Lot Bear

A) Harmony Bear

Harmony bear was not one of the original Care Bears. The original Care bears are Bedtime Bear, Birthday Bear, Cheer Bear, Friend Bear, Funshine Bear, Good Luck Bear, Grumpy Bear, Love-a-Lot Bear, Tenderheart Bear and Wish Bear. 


How long do octopi live for?

A) 15-20 years

B) 10-15 years

C) 5-10 years

D) 1-5 years

D) 1-5 years 

An octopus will generally live for about 1 to 5 years, depending on the species. The Giant Pacific octopus can have a lifespan of 3-5 years. 


What is the most famous dessert in Portugal?

A) Portuguese egg flan

B) Portuguese egg tart

C) Portuguese cake

D) Rice pudding

B) Portuguese egg tart (pastel de nata)

The pastel de nata or Portuguese egg tart is far and away the most famous dessert in Portugal. Pastel de nata is a Portuguese egg custard tart pastry. It has crisp, flaky layers of pastry with a delicious, creamy egg-custard filling and a dusting of cinnamon.


What is the national dish of Portugal?

A) Bifana

B) Francesinha

C) Bacalhau

D) Caldo Verde

C) Bacalhau

Bacalhau is a dried and salted cod. 

Bacalhau a bras is a Portuguese dish made with shreds of salt cod, onions and hand-cut french fries cooked with scrambled eggs.


What is the smallest octopus in the world?

A) Atlantic octopus

B) Dormi octopus

C) Pacific octopus

D) Wolfi octopus

D) Wolfi octopus

The Wolfi octopus is the world's smallest octopus. It often weighs less than a gram and measures just over 1 centimeter in length.  


What year did the Care Bear show begin?

A) 1984

B) 1985

C) 1986

D) 1987

B) 1985

The original Care Bear TV series lasted from 1985-1988.


Which one of these squirrel species is not native to British Columbia?

A) The Red squirrel

B) The Northern Flying squirrel 

C) The Douglas squirrel

D) The Eastern Grey squirrel

D) The Eastern Grey squirrel

It was originally from the eastern region of North America and was introduced to Stanley Park in 1909 and to Vancouver Island in 1966. 

Unfortunately, Eastern grey squirrels transmit viruses to native squirrel species and are particularly damaging to sensitive Garry Oak ecosystems.


What is the Haida Gwaii pledge?

A) “I will respect Haida Gwaii and Haida ways of being during my visit.”

B) "I will respect the land and nation during my visit."

C) "I will respect the ocean, air, land and people during my visit." 

D) "I will respect the Haida people and land during my visit."

A) “I will respect Haida Gwaii and Haida ways of being during my visit.”

If you are planning on visiting Haida Gwaii make sure to educate yourself about how to be a respectful visitor and take the pledge to do so.