Quote Integration
Dangling & Misplaced Modifiers
Random Language Review Rules

What is the method of writing that we are currently using when we use quotes & why is it ineffective?

The stop & plop method. It is ineffective because it fails to connect our own ideas to the text and use it as a tool and evidence rather than as words plopped into our writing. 

- It sounds more sophisticated, professional, and convincing! 


What is an inference?

An assumption or guess based on prior knowledge and/or evidence. 


What does the EASEC acronym stand for?

Echo the question as a statement (topic sentence)

Answer the question (make a claim)

Share evidence (properly integrated)

Explain how the quote proves your claim

Conclude and restate your claim


Identify the sentence's issue (dangling or misplaced modifier) and write it on your whiteboard.

Hungry after being in class all morning, the Cafe was filled with hungry students.

Hungry after being in class all morning: Misplaced


What is a good rule for remembering how to spell words like receipt, receive, believe, chief, etc.? 

"I" before "E" except after "C"

*In most cases. Always remember neighbors are weird sometimes!


What does the word integrate mean?

To combine one thing with another so they become a whole.


In Bao, what can we infer about the mother and father's relationship and why?

They do not spend a lot of time together (breakfast scene). It is possible they are not that close or have lost their connection (pictures in the background, empty chair).


What part of EASEC is the same as IICE and Triple E?

Each of these acronym has you restate the question as a statement (topic sentence - tell the reader what you're about to write about...WITHOUT addressing them!

Identify the sentence's issue (dangling or misplaced modifier) and write it on your whiteboard.

After cleaning all day, the apartment was as sterile as an operating room.

After cleaning all day: Misplaced


Select the definition for how the word Shroud is used in this sentence: 

Our ship was shrouded in a fine, cool mist as we approached the harbor. 

1. N. Something that covers or hides from view

2. V. To block from sight

2 (verb!)

Bonus: What is a verb?


How do we properly use quotes in our writing? 


Introduce the idea

Integrate the quote in our own writing

Cite your source (Author's last name Pg. #)

Explain how your quote proves your claim


When the mother first saw the live dumpling baby, she was terrified. Why do you think she ended up taking care and loving something she was once terrified of?

She had an empty nest after her son left and welcomed the company since her husband does not spend time with her either. 


What do you need to include when you use the "S" part of EASEC?

Bonus: Give an example on your whiteboard.

Integrate the quote well and cite it in proper MLA format.

Bonus: EX. The narrator explains that Jonas was “selected to be [their] next Receiver of Memory” (Lowry 60).  The wording used to describe why Jonas was chosen depicts how significant the position of the Receiver is. 


Identify the sentence's issue (dangling or misplaced modifier) and write it on your whiteboard.

Forgetting the microphone was on, the crowd heard the mayor's fight with her assistant. 

Forgetting the microphone was on: Dangling


What type of sentence is this and how do you know?

This winter has been unusually cold, but I think it is going to warm up soon.

Compound. Two independent clauses (complete sentences) combined by a conjunction (and, but, or, so).


What are the song lyrics to help you remember the IICE acronym? 

Bonus points: What is the name of the band?

"What's cooler than being cool?"


*I told you quote integration is the "coolest" thing ever 


What can we infer about the fact that the father was also in the final scene watching the son and his wife learn how to make dumplings?

That the family has all learned the lesson of acceptance of others. They have also all learned a valuable lesson about how families change and grow together, or they grow apart (just like any relationship - it takes work!).


How do you select a quote to "share" in the EASEC response?

The quote needs to support your claim


Identify the sentence's issue (dangling or misplaced modifier) and write it on your whiteboard.

Swinging through the jungle, we watched the monkeys in the jungle. 

Swinging through the trees: Misplaced


Limerick : Poem

A. Book : Movie

B. Employee : Manager

C. Gold : Metal

C. Gold : Metal


What does a proper citation look like in a paragraph when you continue writing your own words after a quote? Use your whiteboard to show an example.

EX. The narrator explains that Jonas was “selected to be [their] next Receiver of Memory” which is “very, very rare” (Lowry 60).  


What can we infer about the mother after the scene where she eats the dumpling? Hint: think about where she is after.

We can infer that she didn't actually have a dumpling son, but rather a nightmare representing how she lost her relationship with her son.


What should the "C" part of the EASEC method begin with? Give an example on your whiteboard.

Bonus: why?

A transition (in conclusion, finally, overall, etc.)

Bonus: To signal to your reader that you are concluding and leaving them with final thoughts. 


Identify the sentence's issue (dangling or misplaced modifier) and write it on your whiteboard.

Driving through the ghost town at night, the buildings looked eerie. 

Driving through the ghost town at night: Dangling


Give an example of a hyperbole, a simile, and Irony.

Answers will vary.