More Terms

A character in the alphabet developed about the second or third century by the Germanic tribes in Europe and carved on stones, drinking horns, and weapons as formulae with magical powers is the 

What is a rune?


The form of repartee developed in classical drama and later employed by many Elizabethan writers, especially those imitating the Senecan tragedies, in which a line-by-line verbal fencing match is exchanged between characters is (the)

What is stichomythia?


The Southern writer who has a sixty-year-old manuscript that is being billed as her sequel to her 1961 Pulitzer Prize-winning novel is

Who is Harper Lee?


The German recipient of the 1999 Nobel Prize for Literature, author of The Tin Drum, one of his many "frolicsome black fables that portray the forgotten face of history," is 

Who is Gunter Grass?


The term usually applied to a group of early-twentieth-century Southern American writers in Nashville, Tennessee, who published the little magazine entitled The Fugitive is 

Who are the Agrarians?


The character of the speaker or writer as reflected in speech or writing is known as 

What is ethos?


Classically, the employment of some unexpected and improbable incident to make things turn out right, and currently, any device whereby an author solves a difficult situation by a forced invention is called 

What is deux ex machina?


Characterized variously as a tragic comedy and a dark comedy, the 1981 Pulitzer Prize-winning Crimes of the Heart was written by 

Who is Beth Henley?


The Irish poet, playwright, and translator of Beowulf who was awarded the 1995 Nobel Prize for Literature is

Who is Seamus Heaney?


Another name for the Metaphysical Poets of England's seventeenth century is the 

What is School of Donne?


The mode of informal public performance and competition engaged by poets beginning around 1990 in Chicago is (the)

What is a slam?


The nickname given to the young seventeenth-century poets, including the Cavalier Lyricists, who acknowledged the second-only-to-Shakespeare Elizabethan playwright Jonson as their master is 

Who are the Tribe of Ben?


A student of Marianne Moore, 1949-1950 Poet Laureate, and author of the collection entitled Poems- North and South, for which she received the 1956 Pulitzer Prize for Poetry, is 

Who is Elizabeth Bishop?


The author who, it was rumored, was considered for the 2010 Nobel Prize for Literature and who did receive the 2007 Pulitzer Prize for Fiction for his novel The Road is 

Who is Cormac McCarthy?


The eighteenth-century Irish author of A Take of a Tub, The Battle of the Books, Gulliver's Travels, "An Argument Against Abolishing Christianity," and "A Modest Proposal" is 

Who is Jonathan Swift?


The study or philosophy of beauty in nature and art, which literature concentrates on the sense and the experiencing of the beautiful rather than on moral, social, or practical considerations , is

What is aesthetics?


The prose that involves crime, detection, punishment, and corruption in high places, a genre that includes the thriller, is the

What is roman noir?


The poet and author of The Bell Jar who received, posthumously, the 1982 Pulitzer Prize for Poetry is 

Who is Sylvia Plath?


The American author of Beloved and recipient of the 1993 Nobel Prize for Literature is 

Who is Toni Morrison?


In prosody, the system for describing conventional rhythms by dividing lines into feet, indicating the locations of binomial accents, and counting syllables is called 

What is scansion?


The character or actor, often taking the third rank of importance in a narrative or drama, that the tragedian Sophocles added to Greek drama during the fifth century is the

Who is a tritagonist?


Originally, a retort or sarcastic jest and now, by extension, any witty saying, is known as (a)

What is a quip?


The following Pulitzer Prize-winning plays are all written by which playwright?

Fences, Joe Turner's Come and Gone, Ma Rainey's Black Bottom, and The Piano Lesson.

Who is August Wilson?


The author of The Brass Butterfly, The Lord of the Flies, The Inheritors, and recipient of the 1983 Pulitzer Prize for Literature is 

Who is William Golding?


In Greek mythology, the three sister goddesses, Aglaea, Euphrosyne, and Thalia, who confer elegance, beauty, charm, and joy on human beings in nature are the 

Who are the Graces?