Main Idea
Drawing Conclusions
Supporting Details

The main idea of a story tells us...

A. minor details from the story

B. what the story is mostly about

C. all the key detail listed in alphabetical order

D. different types of pancakes

B. what the story is mostly about

True or False. When you put together details from the text with ideas from your brain, they can make a conclusion about something?
What is true.

True or False. The supporting details MUST relate to the topic of a passage.

What is false.


These athletes train a great deal. They eat a very healthy diet. Some compete in short races and others compete in long races called marathons. What is the sport?

What is track.


If a student got 100% on their work, what could you infer?

What is the student listened and studied hard.


Katie watches too much television. A toddler shouldn't spend hours sitting in front of a television screen. Worse yet, some of her wild behavior has been inspired by those awful cartoons she watches. Her parents spend more time reading or playing games with her and pull the plug on the TV! A toddler needs more attention than just keeping them occupied and quiet.

What is the main idea of this passage?

A. Watching a lot of television is bad for a toddler.

B. Let toddlers watch as much TV as possible.

C. Wild behavior can be caused by cartoons.

D. A toddler needs more attention than just keeping them occupied and quiet.

Watching a lot of television is bad for a toddler.


Of all the chores Michael had around the house, it was his least favorite. Folding the laundry was fine, doing the dishes, that was alright. But he could not stand hauling the large bags over to the giant canisters. He hated the smell and the possibility of rats. It was disgusting. What chore does Michael hate?

What is taking out the garbage.


There was music in the park this month. A different band played everyday. Children played on the swings. Many people listened to the music. The music was very relaxing. Which detail does not belong or support the main idea?

What is children played on the swings.


What does the word inference mean?

What is making a guess about a story.


The decision was difficult. No one would find out. She was the only one that would know. It would guarantee her a good grade, but was it worth it? Would she really feel proud passing this way? What was her struggle?

What is cheating.


Floods can cause tremendous damage. They can ruin houses, roads, and buildings. Floods can take down trees and cause mudslides. It often leaves mud, sand, and debris behind. It can take months to clean up after a flood.

What is the main idea?

A. It can take months to clean up after a flood.

B. Floods can cause a lot of damage.

B. Floods can cause a lot of damage.

What conclusion can you draw from the sentence. When Randy's hamster died, he had trouble eating and sleeping. He wanted his hamster again. a. Randy was very happy. b. Randy was too full to eat. c. Randy was very upset because his hamster died. d. Randy was not sleepy.
What is C--Randy was very upset because his hamster died.

A supporting detail means...

What is details that explain the main idea of the story.


When I woke up, there were branches and leaves all over the yard.

What is a big storm?


The boy rode his bike to his friend's house after dinner. When he got there, he rang the bell. He waited, but no one came to the door. He looked in the driveway. The car was not there. There were no lights on and the windows were all closed. The boy got back on his bike and went home. What did the boy think?

What is no one was home.


Patty loves to play games. Her favorite game is Chess because it requires a great deal of thought. Patty also likes to play less demanding games that are based mostly on luck. She prefers Monopoly because it requires luck and skill. It she's alone, Patty likes to play action videos as long as they aren't too violent. What would be the best title for this passage?

What is "playing games."

The girl sneezed. Her dad felt her forehead and took her temperature. She told him her throat hurt. He pulled the blankets over her. He told her to try to sleep while he called her teacher. Why did he call her teacher?
What is being sick and not feeling well.

Name one detail from the story that helps support the main idea. All but one of these sentences are supporting sentences. Find the topic sentence. a.) Large earthquakes often cause uncontrollable fires. b.) Earthquakes can cause severe floods. c.) Earthquakes can be extremely dangerous and cause great devastation. d.) An earthquake in Guatemala left over 25,000 people dead.

What is C.--Earthquakes can be extremely dangerous and cause great devastation.


Even though the man didn't want to do it, he knew it had to be done. He picked up the phone and made the necessary arrangements. A few hours later, he found himself in a brightly lit room. He sat down in the movable chair. The person in charge bent over him as he began. Where was he?

What is the dentist.

Deer like wooded places. Sometimes the trees are cut down where they live and they are forced to move to a new location. What is the main idea?
What is if trees are cut, deer no longer have a home.

Jon held the ball in his hands. He bounced it slowly on the ground. Once. Twice. He crouched low and then jumped. The ball flew into the air. Up, up, up it went. Then down, down, down into the basket. "Yes!" he yelled. "Nothing but the net!" What did the author want you to learn from this passage?

What is "how to throw a basketball."

The young woman looked down at her long dress. She felt like a princess. She and the others stood in the hall. They listened to the music. Then she heard the cue. She walked down the aisle as she held her flowers. What was this event?
What is a wedding.

Choose the answer choice that best supports this topic sentence. Several unique creatures make their homes in the deepest parts of the Pacific Ocean. a.) Whales and dolphins are also found swimming near the surface of the ocean. b.) Giant worms, squid, and even fish that glow in the dark live deep down in the ocean. c.) People can swim in the ocean but cannot dive down to the deepest parts. d.) Volcanoes can be found deep on the ocean floor spouting out lava.

What is B.--Giant worms, squid, and even fish that glow in the dark live deep down in the ocean.


The waves crashed against the beach. Thunder cracked and lightning lit the sky. The wind howled and bent trees over sideways. People put shutters on their windows, bought supplies, and were ready. What were the people expecting?

What is a hurricane.


I tried to pull my tooth tonight, but it was hard and did not want to come out. Finally, my dad helped me and we got it. Now, I think I look funny, but I'm glad my dad helped me get that tooth out. What is the story about?

What is teamwork between a child and a dad.