I love irony
The plot thickens
What a character
Mix and match
I've got a problem
These are the three types of irony
What are situational, verbal and dramatic
These are the five parts of plot charts in order
What are exposition, rising action, climax, falling action and resolution
Batman, Spiderman, Superman and most other superheroes are this type of character
What is protagonist
As I leaned over the counter, my boss yelled, "Hey, don't kill yourself working too hard." This is an example of what element?
What is verbal irony
The four types of conflict are...
What are man vs man, man vs nature, man vs self, man vs society
Joe spilled his glass of milk and his mom said, "Great job Joe! That is just great!" This type of irony is....
What is verbal irony
Fill in the blank: Plot is the __________ of related events that make up a story, novel, or drama.
What is sequence
'Call me Ishmael. Some years ago-never mind how long precisely-having little or no money in my purse, and nothing in particular to interest me on shore, I thought I would sail about a little and see the watery part of the world' (Melville 1). This is an example of what kind of narration?
What is 1st person
The central idea of message of a story is its....
What is theme
Eliezer's father's conflict with the gypsy who beat him is an example of this type of conflict
What is man vs man
In The Wizard of Oz, Dorothy travels to the wizard and meets a list of challenging demands in order to return home, when really she has the power to return home all along. This type of irony is....
What is situational irony
The conflict ends and all the loose ends are tied up in this part of the plot chart
What is the resolution
When the man entered the house, Papi, the chihuahua, didn't bark at the man, but instead ran under the couch where he shivered, trembled and whined. He never once tried to protect his home. This is what type of characterization?
What is indirect
A wedding ring is an example of what literary element?
What is a symbol
Eliezer's struggle to maintain his faith in God is an example of this type of conflict
What is man vs self
When you save your allowance for 6 months for something you really want and buy the time you have enough money to buy it the store no longer sells it, this is an example of...
What is situational irony
This is a key element of fiction that is found within the exposition
What is setting
Narrator is outside the story but is able to see into the minds of all characters.
What is third person omniscient
the formation of mental images figures, or likenesses of things is the official definition of what element?
What is imagery
What is an example of a man vs society conflict in Night?
answers vary
When you watch a horror movie and you hear creepy music every time the bad guy is coming, but the characters do not, this is an example of__________________irony.
What is dramatic irony
The part of the story where the protagonist faces his/her major conflict is the
What is climax
Narrator is either inside or outside of the story, does not know thoughts or feelings, but can only describe what they see or hear. This type of narration is:
What is third person narrative/limited
Fill in the blank: Tone is the _______________ a writer takes towards the audience, subject or character.
What is attitude
You and your best friend have always played soccer together on a team. You both try out for the school's varsity team. You make it and your friend doesn't. At first your friend claims not to care, but you soon realize your friend is very angry. Your friend doesn't want to spend as much time together as you used to, and, of course, you have daily practices and games your friend doesn't attend. You consider quitting the team. What type of conflict is this?
What is man vs self