Figurative Language
Narrative Elements
The Simple Gift
Common Errors

What is a metaphor?

A phrase or sentence which creates an image in the reader's mind by directly comparing one thing to another.


What is the correct name for the beginning of a text?



Name the 3 key characters.

Old Bill, Billy and Charlotte


Edit the following run on sentence so that it is 2 separate sentences.

I spoke to my aunt on the phone we talked for two hours it was about school.

I spoke to my aunt on the phone about school. We talked for two hours.


Identify the language device in the following quote:

"Writing is like driving at night in the fog. You can only see as far as your headlights, but you can make the whole trip that way.” -E.L Doctorow

A simile ("Writing is like driving at night in the fog")


What is the purpose of a cliffhanger?

To force the audience to form their own conclusions, and to think deeply about the events leading up to this.


Who is the author of The Simple Gift?

Steven Herrick


Choose the most appropriate word to fill in the blank:

"I want to go home now!" they ______

a) whispered

b) demanded

c) giggled

d) answered

b) demanded


Which words in the following quote are considered imagery?

"After the long run, he collapsed in the grass with tired and burning muscles. The grass tickled his skin and sweat cooled on his brow."

'collapsed', 'tired and burning', 'tickled', 'sweat cooled'.


What is genre?

A category of art with shared conventions. These are typically related to plot, character and setting.


Name 2 of the key themes in the novel.

Identity, poverty/homelessness, freedom, love


Add the correct punctuation for the following bit of dialogue (HINT: 9)

where are we going she asked I don't know he responded

"Where are we going?" she asked. "I don't know," he responded.


Identify the purpose of the metaphor below:

"Their relationship was a tornado"

Highlights that their relationship is chaotic, messy and out of control. It is damaging and scary for everyone involved.

Why might I choose 1st person narration over 3rd person narration? What impact does it have?

1st person provides a more intimate insight into the character's actions and thoughts. We see the story through their perspective, and often see into their mind.


What does 'The Simple Gift' refer to in the novel?

Kindness, compassion, appreciation of the world.


Show me the following:

She was happy.

ie. Her eyes began to sparkle as a smile crept onto her face, revealing a row of slightly crooked teeth.


Provide an example of personification.

The door groaned.

My hair stood on end.

The sun kissed my cheeks.

The last piece of cake called my name.


Identify the following in Tangled:


Complication/Rising Action



Orientation: We learn about Rapunzel's life in the tower, and her relationship with Gothel.

Complication/Rising Action: Flynn Rider stumbles upon her tower. They adventure off to see the lanterns.

Climax: Gothel lies to Rapunzel, saying that Flynn (Eugene) betrayed her. Rapunzel goes back to the tower. Eugene tries to save her from Gothel and is stabbed.

Resolution: Rapunzel and Eugene meet the King and Queen, Eugene's bounty is revoked and the family is reunited.


Locate an example of imagery in the text.



Create a simile to describe students being noisy in the classroom.

ie. It was like stepping into the monkey's cage at feeding time.