Figurative Language
Examples of Figurative Language
Exmaples of types of Irony
Literary Terms
A comparison of two unlike things using like or as
What is a simile

I am about to roast it is so hot in here.

What is an example of hyperbole?

When the events of a story play out in an unusual way that is surprising to the reader and the characters in the story.
What is situational irony?
A man goes into a store to buy gum wearing a ski mask because he is cold. Everyone in the store is super nervous and looking at him suspiciously.
What is an example of dramatic irony?

Humor brought into a story to give the plot more depth or make it more interesting

What is satire?


Superhero is known as the "Dark Knight" and protects Gotham City

What is Batman?

A comparison of two unlike things without using like or as
What is a metaphor?
The jagged fence resembles fangs in A Pie for Hansel and stands for danger.
What is an example of a symbol?
When something is said differently than it is meant to be said.
What is verbal irony?
A man and woman meet on a dating website and agree to meet on a blind date only to find out they are each other's partner in a current relationship.
What is an example of situational irony?
The overall message or lesson an author is making throughout a selection.
What is theme?

Very mindful, very classy, very...

What is demure?

An unbelievable extreme or exaggeration
What is hyperbole?
The main character being named Hansel in a pie for Hansel reminds the reader of the story Hansel and Gretel.
What is an example of an allusion?
When events play out in an unusual way and the reader knows something the characters do not know.
What is dramatic irony?
You fail a test and your friend says, "Nice job genius!"
What is an example of verbal irony?
The author's attitude toward a subject
What is tone?

Hired Megan Thee Stallion and Quavo for her campaign

Who is Kamala Harris?

An object that stands for or represents something more significant in a text.
What is a symbol?
Oink, Purr, Moo, Tick Tock
What are examples of onomatopoeia?
Another term for sarcasm.
What is Verbal Irony?
You are watching a movie where you see the killer hide in a closet in the main character's apartment. The main character gets home from work and unlocks the door to go in the apartment. As the main character approaches the closet, you are anxious knowing who is waiting in the closet.
What is an example of dramatic irony?
Two words put together with opposite meanings, but together make a phrase

What is an oxymoron?


Nicki Minaj fans are called?

Who are Barbz?

A familiar reference to a well known event or literary figure in another work of literature
What is an allusion?
He is tall like a skyscraper. and His telephone poll legs helped him dunk the basketball when he jumped.
What are exmaples of simile and metaphor?
Can create suspense, tragedy, and humor
What are the impacts of irony on a text?
You plan for your Spring wedding to be inside afraid that it might rain on your wedding day. Your wedding day comes and it is sunny and bright outside. The bright sun starts a fire by shining in the window on some wedding programs. This sets off the sprinkler system and your whole wedding party and guests get soaked during the ceremony.
What is an example of situational irony?

An appeal to the audience's emotions

What is mood?


Ms. Hayani's prefers deadlifting or squatting is...  

What is deadlifting?


Term that represents the stereotype or feelings associated with a word--Birthdays have a good blank

What is connotation? 

In the statement, "I'm feeling blue," the word blue is an example of which literary device?

What is symbolism?


If you win the lottery and drop dead before claiming the money, it's good luck followed by bad luck. Is this ironic? If so, which irony?

What is this is not considered irony?


Monsters inc is based on this irony because monsters are meant to be scary but they're actually just like humans

What is situational irony? 


You're watching a movie where the main character keeps seeing ghosts and is confused why, what device is being shown?

What is foreshadowing? 


What is the song name and artists-- "Kiki, do you love me? Are you riding?"

What is "In My Feelings" by Drake?