Figurative Language
Story Elements
Poetic Devices
Hodge Podge
A comparison using like or as "As beautiful as a summer's day"
What is a simile?
The main character, usually a good guy "Harry Potter"
What is the protagonist?
The sequence of events in a story
What is the plot?
Repeating the same word or phrases over and over again
What is repetition?
Words that sound like the objects they name or the sounds those objects make "Buzz went the bee"
What is onomatopoeia?
A direct comparison between two unlike things made without using like or as "The teacher planted seeds of wisdom"
What is a metaphor?
The bad guy who is against the good guy "Voldemort"
What is the antagonist?
The underlying message of a story "Technology can sometimes hurt humanity"
What is the theme?
Creating a picture with words "The emerald green forest glistened with dew as the sun rose over the azure lake."
What is imagery?
A figure of speech that combines two seemingly contracting words "Jumbo shrimp"
What is oxymoron?
When a thing stands for something other than itself "The American Flag is the _______ of our country"
What is a symbol?
A character that develops and changes during a story "Humpty Dumpty in Puss in Boots"
What is dynamic?
Where the story takes place "Harry Potter is at Hogwarts"
What is the setting?
The repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of words "Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers"
What is alliteration?
A play on words either through multiple meanings of one word or through two words that sound alike but mean different things "The right to bare arms v. the right to bear arms"
What is a pun?
A reference to a well-known person, place or thing "Franco Ruiz is the Einstein of our class"
What is an allusion?
Type of conflict that includes: Man v. Man; Man. v. Nature; Man v. Society "David & Goliath" "2012" "The Hunger Games"
What is external conflict?
Details in the story that hint about what is going to come next
What is foreshadowing?
Poetry written without rhyme
What is free verse/blank verse?
A statement that seems impossible to be true but actually is "Don't go in the water until you learn how to swim"
What is a paradox?
Using exaggeration to make a point "I'm so hungry I could eat a whole wildebeest"
What is a hyperbole?
A complex character that is well-developed "Katniss Everdeen" A simple character that does not have a lot of detail "Rue" from The Hunger Games
What is a round character and a flat character?
The seven parts of Freytag's Pyramid
What is Exposition --> Inciting Moment --> Rising Action --> Climax --> Falling Action --> Resolution --> Denouement
Repetition of vowel sounds within words "How now brown cow" Repetition of consonant sounds within words "Rap rejects my tape deck, ejects projectile Whether Jew or Gentile, I rank top percentile, Many styles, More powerful than gamma rays My grammar pays, like Carlos Santana plays"
What is assonance and consonance?
The original pattern or model of which all other things are copies or representations "The faithful sidekick or the damsel-in-distress"
What is archetype?