What literary term can be defined as the person telling the story?
What is the narrator or speaker?
Poetry is written in this form (hint: it's not prose!)
What is verse?
The way in which a writer reveals both the internal and external traits of a protagonist.
What is a characterization?
Poetry that expresses personal feelings or emotions.
What is lyrical
The pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables that sets the pace for poetry.
What is meter?
A poem that can be read both forward and backward.
What is a reverse poem.
What is rhyme scheme?
When one character is speaking to another, the writer is creating this.
What is dialogue?
The type of poetry in which most of the words or phrases of a piece of prose are hidden, revealing only those words that make a new piece of poetry.
What is a blackout poem?
Two syllables, one stressed, one unstressed.
A love poem written in formal style and with a very specific rhyme scheme; the two types are Petrarchan and Shakespearean.
What is a sonnet?
The part of the plot where the action begins is known as what?
What is the inciting incident?
Two successive, rhyming lines of poetry.
What is a couplet?
A reference to an outside work of art, as in "You are such a Judas."
What is allusion?
A poem of celebration, written as an address to something or someone.
What is an ode?
The part of the plot where all "loose ends" are tied up and the problem(s) have been solved is known as what?
What is the resolution or denouement?
A line of poetry that is 10 syllables, or 5 feet long.
What is pentameter?
The personality of the writer revealed through her or his writing.
What is voice?
Peter Piper picked a pail of pickled peppers.
What is alliteration?
Otherwise known as shape or concrete poetry
What is a calligram?
A stanza of four lines with alternating rhyme.
What is a quatrain?
The author's attitude towards the subject of the writing.
What is tone?
Meow! Woof! Pow! Blam!
What is onomatopoeia?
A poem written in dedication to a piece of art.
What is an ekphrasis?
The traditional arc of a story, which includes exposition, rising action, climax, etc. Named for the theorist who first plotted it.
Freytag's Pyramid
A line of poetry that continues past one line and into the next without punctuation or pause.
What is enjambment?
The feeling being evoked in a reader by a piece of writing.
What is mood?
"We knit our days together with strings of smiles and laughter"
What is implied metaphor
A poem in which the first letter of each line spells a word.
What is an acrostic?