Point of View
The sequence of events after the climax that lead to the resolution.
What is Falling Action?
The lead/main character(principal) that is not always the "good guy" of the story, but usually is.
What is a Protagonist?
A point of view from the perspective of someone who is not a character in the story, but rather an observer who does not have any inside track of the minds of the characters.
What is Third-person Objective?
The physical qualities of the character
What is revealed through the actions of the character?
What was normal for the time in which the story was written, what life was like for the author, and why certain characters in the story acted the way they did.
What does the Historical Context of a story help us understand?
The final part of the plot containing the result of conclusion of the story. Another word for this part is "denovement" (a French word for unwinding or unknotting)
What is the Resolution?
The people who take part in the action of a story
What is the definition of a charater?
The point of view from someone who is not a character in the story but has access to the thoughts of one character at a time.
What is Third Person Limited?
The way in which a narrator introduces/explains the qualities of characters in a story
What is characterization?
Imagery based off of what the narrator can see, or what something looks like. Tells us details about the location of the setting and the sight of the narrator.
What is sight Imagery?
The second part of the plot in which the conflict is made clear and developed. Suspense builds due to complications that arise, and most foreshadowing occurs in in this part.
What is Rising Action?
the character involved in the main conflicts in most of the work
What is a Main Character?
the vantage point from which a story is told (lens through which the reader views the story)
What is Point of View?
Judgement provided for the reader in which comments on the character are given to the reader
What is Direct Characterization?
Where and when a story takes place.
What is the setting of a story?
The turning point in the conflict and action of the story, that contains a decisive moment for the protagonist. Usually contains highest interest and excitement.
What is Climax?
A character who is not developed, and has no details on life's story or motivation. (One-Dimesnional, often a Minor Character)
What is a Flat Character?
The point of view in which the story is told by a character in the story, and can vividly recall his/her own thoughts, feeling, and observations
What is First Person?
Indirect characterization through thoughts
What is revealed through the thoughts of a character?
The way a narrator gives details on setting
What is Sensory Imagery?
The beginning of the plot when the reader learns the setting, characters, central conflict, etc. Where background information is given.
What is exposition?
A character who's internal characteristics change throughout the story
What is a Dynamic Character?
The point of view from a non-character who is all knowing and has access to the thought and feelings of all the characters.
What is Third Person Omniscent?
The physical description of a character that forces the reader to make inferences about the qualities of that character
What is Indirect Characterization?
The historical context, time of year, place, general area, and specific location of a story.
What does the setting help us understand?