A group of lines in a poem that share a common pattern of meter, line length, and rhyme.
What is "stanza"?
The number of quatrains in an Elizabethan sonnet.
What is three.
Rhyming sounds that match exactly.
What is "perfect rhyme"?
These lines contain a complete sentence or independent clause and so have a distinct pause at the end. These lines call attention to the complete thought expressed in a single line.
What is "end-stopped"?
A metrical foot with two stressed syllables in a row used as a substitution.
What is "spondaic" or "spondee"?
A pair of rhymed lines of the same meter and length.
For extra honor: name one of the three different types.
What is "couplet"?
heroic couplet: rhymed pairs in iambic pentameter.
closed couplet: a pair of lines in which the end of the rhyme coincides wih the end of the clause of sentence.
open couplet: fluent with the rhyme not insistent but subtly underlying the meter.
In Shakespearean sonnets, the "turn" or volta is located after this line number in order to reverse the stance previously expressed or provide a concise summary.
What is line 12
Rhymes may be partial, varying slightly the corresponding vowel and/or consonant sounds.
What is "slant rhyme," "half-rhyme," or "imperfect rhyme"?
These lines are those in which the sentence or clause continues for two or more lines of verse; no punctuation appears at the end of the lines.
What is "enjambed lines" or "enjambment"?
A metrical foot consisting of two unstressed syllables.
What is pyrrhic?
A stanza form of three lines, invented by Dante
What is terza rima
This sonnet is divided into an opening octave and a concluding sestet. The rhyme scheme of the octave is usually fixed but the sestet may vary.
What is "Petrarchan sonnet" or "Italian sonnet"?
Rhymes that end on a stressed syllable have this gendered distinction, whereas rhymes that end on an unstressed syllable carry the opposite gender.
What is "masculine rhyme" (stressed) and "feminine rhyme" (unstressed)?
A pause in the midst of a verse line.
What is "caesura"?
A line of verse with four feet.
What is tetrameter
The stanza form invented by Chaucer.
What is rime royale.
In a Petrarchan sonnet, this group of lines describes a dilemma or poses a question.
What is "octave"? The sestet, where the turn occurs, provides some sort of commentary or resolution.
This type of verse is unrhymed iambic pentameter. It does not rhyme, but it has meter.
Provide an example from our class readings.
What is "blank verse"?
Twelfth Night, Dr. Faustus
The metrical feet where two unstressed syllables are followed by a stressed one.
Identify the metrical feet that is its exact opposite.
Provide an example of one of these forms.
What is "anapestic" or "anapest"?
Its opposite is "dactylic" or "dactyl."
The extended metaphor or idea that governs the logic of a sonnet.
What is conceit.
The special name given to lines of iambic hexameter when they occur in English
What is Alexandrine?
True or False: Donne is celebrated for his mastery of the Shakespearean romantic sonnet.
False: he wrote only the Holy Sonnets
This type of verse has rhythms that are not organized into the regularity of meter; most also lack rhyme. One of its features is the deliberate division of the lines, which may consist of very long units or of single words, and which may be divided in mid-sentence or mid-word.
What is "free verse"?
A metrical feet where a stressed syllable is followed by a unstressed syllable.
Identify the metrical feet that is its exact opposite.
Provide an example of both of these.
What is "trochaic" or "trochee"?
Its opposite is "iambic."
A missing unstressed syllable at the end of a trochaic or dactylic line.
Alternatively, the appropriate conceit to discuss how the woes of life alter but eventually enhance the flavor of life.