Literary Terms P. 1
Literary Terms P.2
Plot Development
Random Trivia

What is a protagonist?

The Protagonist is the main character of the story that

changes. He/she is the most important character and

grows and changes because of experiences in the story.

The protagonist does not always have to be “good”.


There are 2 types of conflict in a any story. What are they?

Internal and External


How would you define "characters" in any story?

The people/creatures who are responsible for the

thoughts and actions within a story, poem, or other

literature. There are essentially TWO types of

characters in a short story:


What is "the event that sets the actions of a story in motion"?

The inciting incident


What is the name of the most popular art museum in Paris, France?

The Louvre


What is an antagonist?

The Antagonist is the major character that opposes the

protagonist. He/she does not change. Antagonists can be

in the form of people, nature (volcanoes, tornado), and

society (racism). The antagonist does not always have to

be “bad”.


Give a popular example of an 'external' conflict.

Human vs. Human

Human vs. Technology



What is a "static" character? What was the analogy Watson used to remember this term?

Static: a static character does not change. (Think of static cling. It

makes things stick to one place and they don’t move.) Cinderella’s

step mother is a great example of a static character. She is mean at

the beginning and end.


the section of the story that introduces the characters, the setting etc.

The exposition


What was the last year that the Toronto Maple Leafs ever won the "Stanley Cup"?



When the author indirectly shows a characters personality through their speech, actions behavior etc. This is called ...

Indirect characterization

Give a popular example of an internal conflict.

Mental Health, Addiction, etc.

What is a "dynamic" character? What was the analogy Watson used to remember this term?

Dynamic: a dynamic character changes as a result of the story’s

events. (Think of hair dye. It changes your hair’s colour.) Scrooge in A

Christmas Carol is a great example of a dynamic character. He goes

from being mean to nice because of the ghosts.


Fear, hostility, and rising threatening situations serve as the ....

Rising Action


Who won the Oscar for "best featured film" last night at the oscars?



"The man was very cruel and unwelcoming" is an example of which type of characterization? Why?

Direct characterization. The author is specifically "telling" the reader what the person/character is like.


What is the 'central conflict' in Langston Hughes poem, "Mother To Son"

External: "Human vs. Oppression/Racism"

Provide a popular example both a "static" character and a "dynamic" character from popular literature, TV, movies etc.

I'll judge your response!

How would you properly define 'the climax' of the story?

The turning point of any story. The high point of interest and suspense.


Can you list 2 film nominations for "best picture" at last nights Oscars?

Nomadland, The Trial of The Chicago 7 etc.


In "Mother To Son" what type of characterization does the writer (Hughes) use?

Indirect Characterization.


Redemption, Love and Hate, Tragedy, Romance are all popular examples of what?



The Joker from the Batman series, would be considered which type of character?

A static character


How would you define the 'resolution'? What is the French term often used in place of this word?

the end of the central

conflict: it shows how the situation turns out and ties up

any loose ends.

French Word: Denuoment


If we return back to in person learning, what is our class room number?

Rm. 3159