A comparison of two unlike things using "like" or "as"
What is a simile?
The part of the plot at the end of the story that shows the reader what will happen to the characters in the future
What is the conclusion? Or resolution
The character realizes or starts to realize something that changes his or her actions or thinking
What is an aha moment?
The time and place of the story
What is setting?
Something that represents something other than itself
What is a symbol?
The most intense part of the story where the reader is most involved in the story
What is the climax?
A character asks a difficult question to himself/herself or another character that reviews his or her concerns
What are tough questions?
The central idea of a story or work of literature; the main point the author wants to make
What is theme?
The time and place of the story
What is setting?
The second part of the story where a character makes a decision or begins to take action on the main problem or conflict
What is rising action?
The authors keeps bringing up the same image, phrase or reference
What is again and again?
The feeling that is created within a story through setting, descriptions, etc.
What is mood?
When something completely opposite than what is expected occurs
What is irony?
The opening of the story, where the characters and conflict are introduced
The character acts in a way that is unexpected given how he or she normally acts
What are contrasts and contradictions?
A comparison of two unlike things without using "like" or "as"
What is a metaphor?
Uncertainty or anxiety the reader feels about what is going to happen next in the story
What is suspense?
the part of the story that occurs after the climax has been reached and the conflict has been resolved.
What is the falling action?
An older character or outside influence gives advice or insight to the main character
What are words of the wiser?
A struggle between one character and another outside force
What is external conflict?