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The part of a story when the tone is set, the setting is established, characters are introduced, and background information is given.
What is the exposition?

What is a symbolic device in which characters or events in a story represent or symbolize ideas and concepts?

What is allegory?


Refers to the events in a story that move the plot along by adding complications or expanding the conflict.

What is rising action?


A comparison between two things for the purpose of explanation or clarification.

What is analogy?


A figure of speech in which the speaker addresses an object, concept, or person that is unable to respond.

What is apostrophe?


A literary device wherein the writer jumbles up parts of words to create a new word.

What is an anagram?

The opponent of the hero of a drama or other literary work.
What is an antagonist?

While walking wearily home I wondered where Wally was.

What is alliteration?


A figure of speech where the author refers to a subject matter such as a person, place, event, or literary work in a passing reference.

What is an allusion?


A central character who lacks conventional heroic qualities. They blur the line between hero and villain.

What is anti-hero?


Used when the writer puts two sentences of contrasting meanings next one another.

What is antithesis?


A character that goes through a change of inner growth during a story.

What is a dynamic character?

The sequence of events in a story--generally built around a conflict, it tells what happens, when, and to whom.
What is plot?

The feeling or atmosphere that the writer creates for the reader- reflects the author's emotional perspective towards the subject of the literary work.

What is mood?

The struggle between opposing forces- there are four different types.

What is conflict?


The central/main character or hero in a narrative or drama, usually the one with whom the audience tends to identify.

What is the protagonist?


Consists of descriptive words or phrases that re-create sensory experiences for the reader--usually appeals to one or more of the five senses.

What is imagery?


A character that has a lot of qualities that are well developed- the reader/viewer knows a LOT about them.

What is a round character?


The moment when the reader's interest and emotional intensity reaches the highest point. Often occurs toward the end of the story after the reader has understood the conflict and become emotionally involved with the characters.

What is climax?


Woof, Slam, Bubbling, Pow

What is onomatopoeia?


Created when the setting or scene elicits an emotional response in the reader/viewer.

What is atmosphere?

A figure of speech that makes a comparison between two things that are basically unlike but that have something in common.

What is a metaphor?


The process of releasing, and thereby providing relief from strong or repressed emotions.  It is usually felt by the audience/reader while exposed to a story that brings about great sorrow, pity, laughter, etc. 

What is catharsis?


A comparison between two things for the purpose of explanation or clarification.

What is analogy?


A conversation, an episode, or an event that happened before the beginning of a story. Often interrupts the chronological flow of a story to give the reader information to help in understanding a character's present situation.

What is flashback?


A figure of speech that makes a comparison between two things using the word "like" or "as".

What is a simile?


Refers to the practice of attaching human traits and characteristics with inanimate objects, phenomena, and/or animals.

What is personification?


Occurs when a human quality, emotion or ambition is given to a non-human object or being.

What is anthropomorphism?


The main idea of a work of literature. It is a perception about life or human nature that the writer shares with the reader. It is not stated directly, but must be inferred.

What is theme?


A concept, person, or object, that has served as a universally understood prototype of its kind. 

What is an archetype?


A secondary meaning, other than the dictionary definition of a word.  Usually formulated as a series of qualities, contexts, and emotional responses commonly associated with it.

What is connotation?


An expression, idea, or element which has become overused to the point of losing its original meaning; even to the point of being trite or irritating.

What is cliche?


A description of a person using exaggeration of some characteristics and oversimplification of others.

What is caricature?


An object or theme that dominates a literary work and plays a significant role in defining the nature of the story, the course of the work, and the very fabric of the literary piece.  The purpose of this literary technique is to show a connection between parts of the story, and to help build a theme.

What is motif?

Mrs. Ritchie took 42 million hours to create the perfect literary terms jeopardy game.

What is hyperbole?


The treatment of inanimate objects as if they had human feelings, thoughts, or sensations.  Typically used when describing things in nature.  Reflects the actions and emotions of the story of nature (a type of personification).

What is pathetic fallacy?


When the teacher is caught cheating on an exam...   -_-

What is situational irony?


When the audience knows something, but the characters in the story do not.

What is dramatic irony?

The teacher exclaimed, "I just love taking junior high children on field trips to expensive gift shops with breakable items, it's the best!!" 

What is verbal irony?

What are Mrs. Dragoo's dog's names?

What are Kimber and Ruger


The best time to wear a striped sweater is?

What is "all the time"?


If you chose this box you lost 100 points!

What is UNFAIR?  and I'm kidding ;) Choose again!