Column 1
Column 2
Column 3
Column 4
Column 5

What does the name, Beowulf, mean? What happened that resulted in this nickname? 

What is Bee Hunter? What is He was stung, and bee venom is in his veins. 

In Under the Lion's Paw, what does Haskins likely think of when he faces Butler with the pitchfork? 

He sees his baby girl and recognizes the consequences of failing to be there for his family. 


From where did Hans Christian Anderson find the subjects for his stories? 

From his personal life and those around him. 


What is different about Beowulf's appearance? 

He is small, near-sighted, long torso, short legs, but strong wrists.


Why does Beowulf assert that he needs no sword? What will it take to defeat Grendel? 

A sword has been useless against Grendel thus far. It will take strategy and quick thinking to defeat him. 


What does Beowulf make Hrothgar promise him? 

That is he is defeated, his men will receive treasures. 


Why does Beowulf come to help Hrothgar? 

He owes a debt of gratitude for Hrothgar paying off a blood feud on behalf of his father, Ectheow. 


In Under the Lion's Paw, what does Council do to help, and for no pay? 

He gives the Haskins family a place to live when they are down on their luck. 

Why was Grendel exiled? How does this compare to the Biblical account of Satan's exile? 

He was sentenced to live in the underworld with evil because of the evil he committed. Satan was an angel who was sent into Hell because of his rebellion against God. 


In Under the Lion's Paw, what crop was Haskins excited to see growing in his fields? 



In Through the Tunnel, Jerry struggles most with: 

His own insecurities. 


What life experience did Hamlin Garland have that would qualify him to write a story like Under the Lion's Paw? 

He grew up in the midwest on farms. 

Explain how the title, Under the Lion's Paw, explains the theme of the story. 

Butler has the upper hand no matter what Haskins decides to do; whether pay the higher rent, pay the price to purchase the farm, or leave. 


In literature, conflict resolution does not necessarily mean: 

A happy ending, or that good will win. 


Name three places, or types of communication, where alliteration can be found. 

Poetry, songs, commercials, written advertising, etc.


When a writer writes in the manner that the characters would actually speak, this is called writing in their ___________________. 



In Robert Louis Stevenson, aka Chimley Banks, what event has taken place that brings conflict? 

The murder of Beau Boutan, a local racist overseer. 


Why didn't Grendel attack Hrothgar? 

Hrothgar is good, and God is on his side. 


In Robert Louis Stevenson, aka Chimley Banks, the dialogue we read is between which men? 

Chimley and Mat. 


In Under the Lion's Paw, describe the dominant conflict.

Haskins against a force greater than himself, a corrupt system. 


Why does Beowulf describe his heritage when explaining why he came to help? 

Because in that time, people were known for who their parents were and what they had accomplished. 


What story does Unferth tell about Beowulf? 

That he entered a swimming competition against his friend, Breca, and that Beowulf either lost the contest, or cause Breca to die. 


In Beowulf, a New Telling, how is Grendel defeated? 

Beowulf rips off his arm. Grendel then returns to his lair where he dies. 


In Robert Louis Stevenson aka Chimley Banks, what strange requests do the two men, and the rest of community, receive? 

To find their guns, fire them, keep the shells, and meet in town. 


In Under the Lion's Paw, it's pointed out that at that time there was no law regulating what? 

Child labor