Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 3
Unit 4
Unit 5

Virtual reality has already proved useful in treating phobias and PTSD. … Bailenson and others think it could also be used to build empathy. What if you could step inside a documentary, rather than just watching it on a screen—almost literally walking in someone else’s shoes?

Which context clue from the excerpt best indicates the meaning of the word empathy as it is used in the excerpt?

think it could also be used

walking in someone else’s shoes

step inside a documentary

treating phobias and PTSD

Walking is someone else's shoes 


1) Thurgood Marshall was born in Baltimore in 1908. 2) Thurgood Marshall died in 1993, but his achievements in the world of law live on. 3) Throughout his life, he served as a lawyer on many landmark civil rights cases. 4) His career culminated when he became the first African American to serve as a Supreme Court Justice.

What is the best order for the sentences in this paragraph?

1, 3, 2, 4

2, 3, 4, 1

2, 4, 1, 3

1, 3, 4, 2

1, 3, 4, 2


Which words are antonyms of succinct?

Select all that apply. 





Brief, concise 


Which response most accurately states a theme of the article “What Does the ‘Pursuit of Happiness’ Mean in the Declaration of Independence?”

An American ideal of financial success has been built into our national mindset from our country’s earliest days.                                

            A well-functioning national government exists to provide happiness to its citizens.                                

            A well-functioning national government exists to protect its people from physical harm, but nothing more.                                

            An American ideal of freedom to live as one prefers is central to our system of government

An American ideal of freedom to live as one prefers is central to our system of government.


Students understand audience by analyzing knowledge level, values, and biases, these are all related to writing an argument essay.

Which option corrects the error in the sentence?

To understand audience means students analyze knowledge level, values, and biases, these are all related to writing an argument essay.

Students understand audience by analyzing knowledge level, values, and biases; these are all related to writing an argument essay.

To understand audience means students analyze knowledge level, values, and biases; which are all related to writing an argument essay.

Students understand audience by analyzing knowledge level, values, and biases: these are all related to writing an argument essay.

Students understand audience by analyzing knowledge level, values, and biases; these are all related to writing an argument essay.


Some crabs cleverly disguise themselves by attaching pieces of sea plants and animals to their backs.

Which word most precisely matches the meaning of disguise as it is used in the sentence?







Which options describe the potential weaknesses of using anecdotes as evidence in informational text?

Select all that apply.

Anecdotes are stories that have not been scientifically tested, so their accuracy is questionable

.Anecdotes could apply to anyone, so they are not relevant to the text

Anecdotes are typically short and simple, and are therefore insufficient to support complex ideas.

Anecdotes may describe only one person’s experience, rather than the typical experience of many people.

Anecdotes may describe only one person’s experience, rather than the typical experience of many people.

Anecdotes are stories that have not been scientifically tested, so their accuracy is questionable.


Which sentence uses the word logistical correctly?

Detectives in the embezzlement case cited logistical evidence that pointed to manipulation of bank accounts.

The professor attempted to explain his logistical argument by listing supporting evidence on the whiteboard.

Some other members of the team found David’s logistical tendencies irritating when they worked on new designs.

The army’s campaign was hindered by logistical problems as supplies failed to reach the front lines and troop ships encountered storms.

The army’s campaign was hindered by logistical problems as supplies failed to reach the front lines and troop ships encountered storms


In which sentence is the word usurp used correctly?

After a fight broke out in the lunchroom, the principal called an assembly and began to usurp the students for their poor behavior.

The job candidate plans to usurp his experience to emphasize his superiority over the other candidates.

After the mayor ordered a tax increase, the council members accused him of trying to usurp their powers.

It is rude to usurp your soup when you dine in an elegant restaurant.

After the mayor ordered a tax increase, the council members accused him of trying to usurp their powers.


If you look in a thesaurus to find synonyms for the word anarchy, which words are you most likely to find? 

Select all that apply.





Disorder, chaos 


What textual evidence from “This Virtual Lab Will Revolutionize Science Class” supports the idea that virtual simulations can lead to greater productivity?

Select all that apply.

This Virtual Lab Will Revolutionize Science Class

And what they found was that when you combined the virtual laboratories with teacher-led coaching and mentoring, then we saw a total 101 percent increase in the learning effectiveness, which effectively doubles the science teacher’s impact with the same amount of time spent.

And here, I have my learning tablet. This is an intelligent tablet that allows me to read about relevant theory. As you can see, I can interact with it. I can watch videos and see content that is relevant to the experiment that I’m performing right now.

What we found was that flight simulators had been proven over and over again to be far more effective when used in combination with real, in-flight training to train the pilots.

Basically, I take my mobile phone—most students already have these, smartphones—and I plug it into this virtual-reality headset, a low-cost headset. And now what I can effectively do is, I can literally step into this virtual world.

And what they found was that when you combined the virtual laboratories with teacher-led coaching and mentoring, then we saw a total 101 percent increase in the learning effectiveness, which effectively doubles the science teacher’s impact with the same amount of time spent.

What we found was that flight simulators had been proven over and over again to be far more effective when used in combination with real, in-flight training to train the pilots.


Read the excerpt from “The Key to Stop Bullying: Popular Kids.”

For all of the efforts schools put into reducing bullying, there’s actually a dearth of rigorous evidence about what makes for effective anti-bullying intervention. The classic approach—pile kids into an auditorium and lecture them on the dangers of bullying, perhaps including a sad story about its effects along the way—doesn’t appear to really work.

Which option best analyzes the rhetorical effect of the author’s style in the excerpt?

The phrase “dearth of rigorous evidence” creates a negative tone that diminishes the scientific studies that have been produced on this subject, thus supporting the author’s claim that scientific study is worthless.                                

The phrase “classic approach” creates a positive connotation that helps readers see that sometimes the old ways of doing things are the best ways.                                

The statement “perhaps including a sad story about its effects along the way” creates a mocking tone that ridicules previous anti-bullying efforts, thus supporting the author’s claim that new efforts are needed.                                

The statement “pile kids into the auditorium and lecture them” creates a vivid visual image that helps readers see that teens are often treated unfairly.

The statement “perhaps including a sad story about its effects along the way” creates a mocking tone that ridicules previous anti-bullying efforts, thus supporting the author’s claim that new efforts are needed.    


Reread the “Gas Shortages Spark Interest in Electric Vehicles” section in “The History of the Electric Car.”

Which excerpts from this section use a cause-and-effect structure?

Select all that apply.

Around this same time, many big and small automakers began exploring options for alternative fuel vehicles, including electric cars.                                

            Cheap, abundant gasoline and continued improvement in the internal combustion engine hampered demand for alternative fuel vehicles.                                

            Soaring oil prices and gasoline shortages—peaking with the 1973 Arab Oil Embargo—created a growing interest in lowering the U.S.’s dependence on foreign oil and finding homegrown sources of fuel.                                

            Yet, the vehicles developed and produced in the 1970s still suffered from drawbacks compared to gasoline-powered cars

 Cheap, abundant gasoline and continued improvement in the internal combustion engine hampered demand for alternative fuel vehicles.                                

            Soaring oil prices and gasoline shortages—peaking with the 1973 Arab Oil Embargo—created a growing interest in lowering the U.S.’s dependence on foreign oil and finding homegrown sources of fuel


Zack, a high-school senior working 20 hours per week and earning minimum wage, decides to write a letter to the mayor of his hometown after local legislation to raise the minimum wage has been voted down.

What evidence would provide the most relevant support for Zack’s claim that raising the minimum wage would help the town’s economy?

Select all that apply.

facts about which cities in the state have already raised the minimum wage and the resulting impact on the economies of those cities

testimony from the town’s small-and large-business owners that they will commit to not raising the prices of goods and services even though their profit margins might decrease

a quotation from a local government official who supported the legislation to raise the minimum wage and the monetary reasons for his support

statistics showing the relationship between the increase in the amount of money earned by local workers and the increase in their projected spending over time

facts about which cities in the state have already raised the minimum wage and the resulting impact on the economies of those cities

statistics showing the relationship between the increase in the amount of money earned by local workers and the increase in their projected spending over tim


Which option correctly describes the function of the conclusion in the chain of legal reasoning?

The conclusion takes a position by explaining whether the rule applies to a set of facts presented in a court case.

The conclusion shows whether the rule has been supported in a previous court case.

The conclusion shows how the issue stated in a court case is covered by the rule previously stated.

The conclusion proposes a specific issue that relates to a specific rule.

The conclusion takes a position by explaining whether the rule applies to a set of facts presented in a court case


So we started looking around for new, innovative teaching methods, but what we found was quite disappointing. We saw that books were being turned into e-books, blackboards were being turned into YouTube videos and lecture hall monologues were being turned into MOOCs—massive online open courses. And if you think about it, all we’re really doing here is taking the same content and the same format, and bringing it out to more students—which is great, don’t get me wrong, that is really great—but the teaching method is still more or less the same, no real innovation there.

In this paragraph, which idea is implied but not directly stated?

This Virtual Lab Will Revolutionize Science Class

Knowledge is knowledge, no matter the format in which it is presented.

Technology is taking over and replacing the old-fashioned modes of learning

Everyone can easily get an education online in this modern era.

There is an inherent lack of originality in the way that content is taught to students.

There is an inherent lack of originality in the way that content is taught to students.


Read the excerpt from “Confessions of a Depressed Comic.”

But the severity of it and the seriousness of it is this: every 30 seconds, every 30 seconds, somewhere, someone in the world takes their own life because of depression, and it might be two blocks away, it might be two countries away, it might be two continents away, but it’s happening, and it’s happening every single day. And we have a tendency, as a society, to look at that and go, “So what?” So what? We look at that, and we go, “That’s your problem. That’s their problem.” We say we’re sad and we say we’re sorry, but we also say, “So what?”

Which option has a negative connotation?

every single day                                

severity of it; seriousness of it                                

every 30 seconds                                

two countries away; two continents away

severity of it; seriousness of it    


What are the most effective ways to use a slideshow as a multimedia component in an informational text?

Select all that apply.

to show multiple related paragraphs simultaneously 

to explore detailed information to support main points

to present ideas visually

to highlight specific ideas from the content

to present ideas visually

to highlight specific ideas from the content


Which answer correctly defines diction as a rhetorical feature? 

highlighting an absurdity or contradiction by stating the opposite meaning

using emotional or striking language to emphasize an argumentcontrasting two extremes by positioning them together in the text

structuring sentences in a way that highlights an argument

using emotional or striking language to emphasize an argument


After all, I’ve been told by some gun-rights advocates that reasonable restrictions on gun ownership will undoubtedly send us down a slippery slope to the abolition of all guns in America. And if we didn’t have unfettered access to guns, think about what would happen: We would be overrun by a foreign power; our government would assume totalitarian control and burn the Constitution; and criminal gangs, the only people left with guns, would run roughshod over all law-abiding citizens.

Which response most effectively evaluates the argument put forth in the excerpt?

The author illustrates how the argument used by some gun-rights proponents—that “reasonable restrictions on gun ownership will undoubtedly send us down a slippery slope to the abolition of all guns in America”—is illogical.                                

            The author cites an opposing argument—that “criminal gangs, the only people left with guns, would run roughshod over all law-abiding citizens”—as an example of how gun-control supporters deal with gun ownership by American citizens.                                

            The author emphasizes the fact that “criminal gangs, the only people left with guns, would run roughshod over all law-abiding citizens” as a way to justify limiting gun ownership by American citizens.                                

            The author cites the argument that “reasonable restrictions on gun ownership will undoubtedly send us down a slippery slope to the abolition of all guns in America” as a way to justify increased gun ownership for concerned American citizens.

The author illustrates how the argument used by some gun-rights proponents—that “reasonable restrictions on gun ownership will undoubtedly send us down a slippery slope to the abolition of all guns in America”—is illogical.


So we started looking around for new, innovative teaching methods, but what we found was quite disappointing. We saw that books were being turned into e-books, blackboards were being turned into YouTube videos and lecture hall monologues were being turned into MOOCs—massive online open courses. And if you think about it, all we’re really doing here is taking the same content and the same format, and bringing it out to more students—which is great, don’t get me wrong, that is really great—but the teaching method is still more or less the same, no real innovation there.

How does the information in the excerpt build on the idea that students learning science in universities are bored, disengaged, and confused about what they are learning?

This Virtual Lab Will Revolutionize Science Class

It explains why innovations in the classroom have done much to create more dedicated students but are not creating more effective instructors.

It explains why innovations in classroom instruction are creating better teachers but are causing students to grow tired of being taught in a classroom atmosphere

.It explains how the level of students’ intelligence is growing, causing students to need more mental stimulation in the classroom so they are not disconnected from the content.

It explains how intended innovations in classroom instruction are not really improvements, giving students no new reasons to become more engaged.

It explains how intended innovations in classroom instruction are not really improvements, giving students no new reasons to become more engaged.


Which excerpt from “Everyday Survival” most effectively helps the author to build credibility?

Everyday Survival

Denial plays a large role in many wilderness accidents. Take getting lost. A hiker in denial will continue walking even after losing the trail, assuming he’ll regain it eventually. He’ll press on—and become increasingly lost—even as doubt slowly creeps in.

Survival is not about equipment and training alone. It’s about what’s in your mind and your emotional system. Living in a low-risk environment dulls our abilities.

Although I still believe that equipment and training are good to have, most survival writing leaves out the essential human element in the equation. That’s why I’ve concentrated my efforts on learning about the hearts and minds of survivors

Researchers such as Elaine Hatfield at the University of Hawaii and Paul Ekman at the National Institutes of Health have studied nonverbal communication since the 1960s and concluded that it conveys essential information, which we ignore at our peril.

Researchers such as Elaine Hatfield at the University of Hawaii and Paul Ekman at the National Institutes of Health have studied nonverbal communication since the 1960s and concluded that it conveys essential information, which we ignore at our peril.


Read the text that Marcia sent to a friend.

I had to come up with a service project as part of my grade in social studies, so I did a food drive in the spring. Everyone does them at the holidays, right?

Which option shows how Marcia could best revise this information to use in an application for a summer leadership program?

For social studies, I conducted a food drive in the spring, because everyone does them during the holidays.

When I devised my service project for social studies, I chose to conduct a food drive in late March, since food banks often run low on supplies after the winter holidays

I did a service project as part of social studies in the spring, since food banks need more contributions after the winter holidays.

I had to come up with a service project for social studies, so I conducted a food drive after the holidays.

When I devised my service project for social studies, I chose to conduct a food drive in late March, since food banks often run low on supplies after the winter holidays


Another major turning point came when I found a summer job at Busch Gardens, an amusement park. There, I was exposed to people from all sorts of faiths and cultures, and that experience proved to be fundamental to the development of my character. Most of my life, I’d been taught that homosexuality was a sin, and by extension, that all gay people were a negative influence. As chance would have it, I had the opportunity to work with some of the gay performers at a show there, and soon found that many were the kindest, least judgmental people I had ever met.

Which option identifies the rhetorical feature used to highlight Zak Ebrahim’s misconception about being homosexual?








The issue of the water quality in Echo Lake is of grave concern to our community. Test results show dangerous levels of algae, which is caused by pollution from common household chemicals. However, the families living on Echo Lake’s shoreline are not the ones to blame.

Which sentence could be added to the end of this letter to maintain a consistent tone?

A whole bunch of families in the watershed area should also be blamed for this huge problem.

Now my children will never experience the joys of swimming in Echo Lake.

We must all assume responsibility for returning Echo Lake to its former pristine state.

Come on, let’s all get together and pitch in to save Echo Lak

We must all assume responsibility for returning Echo Lake to its former pristine state.