The Lathe of Heaven (pg. 34-53)
“Rappaccini’’s Daughter” and “Moxon's Master”
“I Sing the Body Electric!” and "Childfinder"
"Snow" and "No woman born"
"The Mushroom Hunters" and "Relativity"

The anti-hero of the Lathe of Heaven

George Orr


Died by antidote

Beatrice from Rappaccini’s Daughter

  • She dies because she has been so thoroughly altered by her father that the antidote kills her instead of curing her

  • She embodies a fatal poison


 Descendent of a convicted women at the Salem Witch Trials

Who is Ray Bradbury?

  • She was later exonerated


The brilliant scientist that saved a well-known and loved actress from death

Who is Maltzer?


Won the Twitter category in the inaugural Author Blog Award

Who is Neil Gaiman?


The facility Dr. Haber is in charge of...

HURAD: Human Utility: Research and Development, the vital core of the World Planning Center, the place where the great decisions were made


The 19th Century view on femininity shown in Rappaccini’s Daughter

  1. Women are weak; susceptible to evil but not capable of evil

  2. Beatrice’s motives are pure, her vitality is real


The first humanoid-genre mini-ircuited, rechargeable AC-DC Mark V Electrical Grandmother

Who is Nefertiti?

  • A literal electrical grandma

  • Egyptian for The Beautiful One is Here—a symbol of both mortality and immortality.


The first recorded human prosthetic

A big toe, constructed in Ancient Egypt for a noblewoman so that she could wear sandals again


Born to an English father and Chinese mother

Who is Sarah Howe


The alien owner of a kitchen equipment shop and Orr’s employer

E’nememen Asfah


Served in the Ninth Indiana Infantry Regiment and Buell’s Army of the Ohio

Who is Ambrose Bierce?


 Italian word for shadow puppets

Fantoccini (father’s definition)


The three components that share a relationship in “Snow”

Memory, mortality, machinery


The poem gently reminds the reader that a parent must act as well as observe

What is “ The Mushroom Hunters”

  • For humanity to survive, people must observe, experience, remember, and formulate. Science is not the provenance of men alone. 

  • The women-gatherers, the mushroom hunters of the title, are as vital and important to the survival of humanity as were their male counterparts and were as much hunters as any men might have been


 The Lathe of Heaven’s seven integral themes

1) shifting versions of reality; 

2) philosophical viewpoints, particularly Taoism and utilitarianism; 

3) the relationship between humanity and technology;

4) the enduring problem of warfare; 

5) issues of racism, immigration, and xenophobia;

6) the power of friendship and love; and 

7) the pitfalls to patterns of dominance and control.


 The expression of Moxon’s murderer after his death

One of satisfaction

  • The implication of the scene is that the automaton had become conscious of and angered by Moxon’s manipulation of its circumstances—Moxon’s machine wanted out from being under Moxon’s domination.


Disabled the enemy organization squad attacking Barbara by knocking all four of them unconscious

Who is Jordan?

  • 17 year old adolescent 


The nano technology on the basis of physics utilized by the Wasp

The Brownian Movement

  • The recordings are as random as the movement of molecules


 Ironically the poem begins in darkness

What is Relatively?

  • This poem about the theory of relativity and the speed of light begins in darkness—“When we wake up brushed by panic in the dark.”


The Lathe of Heaven considers the potential of deadly or disabling diseases, one of which is called kwashiorkor. What is it?

A form of malnutrition caused by a lack of protein and insufficient nutrients in one’s diet.


The phrase that initiated the murdering of Moxon

“ Checkmate”


The mysterious disease in Childfinder

The disease of being human

  • The short-lived community of psis succumbed to an internal and ultimately fatal conflict that resulted in the extinction of the whole community


The character seen as an abstraction

Who is Diedre?

  • A well-loved, famous, and uniquely beautiful stage and screen singer-actress

  • The world mourned for her after hearing her death

  • Died by a theater fire and had human brain transplanted into a mechanical body

  • Maltzer worries about most, though, is that Deirdre is no longer female, no longer a woman, unsexed


The poem that starts with “ my little one”

What is The Mushroom Hunters

  • The poetic voice then proceeds to recount the earliest days of humankind, when humans were once understood as hunter-gatherers, the hunters being men, the gatherers, women. In the hunter-gatherer myth, men made all the tools and technology while the women gathered food