Animal Farm
Poems 1-10
Poems 11-20

The location where the novel takes place.

Where is Manor Farm?


The author of "Anansi".

Who is Allistair Campbell?


The author of "The woman who speaks to the man who has employed her son".

Who is Lorna Goodison?


This poem by Vivian Virtue is dedicated to this occupation.

What is Landscape Painter?


This poem portrays horrific conditions that mother nature can bestow upon the world.

What is "An African Thunderstorm"?


This was Old Majors Dream.

What was a farm with no humans with all animals  being equal?


The main historical event alluded to in "Anansi".

What is the trafficking of Africans across the Atlantic Ocean, the Trans-Atlantic Trade? 


The poem based on Puerto Rico along with its author.

What is "West Indies, U.S.A", by Stuart Brown?


Stephen Spender's poem discusses the social divide between him and these children.

Who are the "rough" or working-class children?


The year in which Girl and Woman were transported from West Africa to Jamaica.

What is 1971?


Napoleon had decided to use his power in this way.

What was to make the pigs the hierarchy to bend all rules to his desires?


The characters from the play "Anansi" used to portray themes of Racism and Powerlessness.

Who are Anansi, Girl, Woman, and Captain?


Two themes present in "It is the constant image of your face" and its author.

What are love and patriotism? and Who is Dennis Brutus?


The poem "South" uses this literary device to emphasize the natural beauty and simplicity of the Caribbean.

What is imagery?


The phrase which ended a poem concerning the casualties of war between nations.

What is "Dulce et decorum est Pro patria mori".


Napoleon had begun to behave like the animals previous owner in these 5 ways.

What was slaughtering animals, drinking alcohol, walking on hind legs, trading, and wearing clothes?


The way in which the character Woman helped Girl survive the harsh conditions in "The Hold".

What are the Anansi stories and being a motherly figure? 


The four poems pertaining to parents and children.

What are "Little boy crying", "My parents", "Once upon a time", "The woman speaks to the man who has employed her son"?


 In "Test Match Sabina Park," Stewart Brown uses this sport as a metaphor to explore post-colonial identity and cultural clash.

What is cricket?


This poem showcases prejudice against a person, with society thinking they can't amount to anything.

What is "Dreaming Black Boy"?


These 2 themes were present and explored in the novel. Elaborate.

What are Tyranny, since Napoleon controlled all actions of the animals, and Oppression, since Napoleon instilled fear into the animals giving them no say in anything?


The themes explored in "Anansi" and their demonstration.

What are racism, since the africans were discriminated against, and power and powerlessness since it was evident some characters had great control over others.


The five types of faces mentioned in "Once upon a time" by Gabriel Okara.

What are home face, office face, street face, host face, cocktail face?


In Sylvia Plath's "Mirror," the mirror symbolizes this deeper concept, reflecting the speaker's struggles with identity and self-perception.

What is truth/aging?


The character used by Napoleon to trick the other animals to do his bidding.

Who is Squealer?