A Return to Love
Watsons Go To Birmingham
Watsons Continued
Explain Yourself, Watson!
A Return to Love Continued

This woman is the author of our recitation piece.

Who is Marianne Williamson?


The big kid known for being the school bully, especially when Byron isn't around.

Who is Larry Dunn?


This was the great battle between the Nazis and the Americans conducted by two friends and fought by a large amount of plastic creatures.

What is the Great Dinosaur War?


“I’ve often told you that as Negroes the world is many times a hostile place for us.” Who said this? Explain the reasoning behind this.

Mr. Alums is the teacher who said this because he was trying to promote student literacy to protect themselves from any injustice because there were unfair laws at that time.


Complete the line:

"We ask ourselves..."

What is "We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?"


Complete the line:

"There is nothing... "

What is " There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insure around you"?


This attribute was the cause for Kenny's special treatment at school.

What is being smart?


These are the indicators letting the readers conclude that Larry Dunn is poor.

What are holes in his shoes, cardboard taped to the bottom of his shoes, holes in his windbreaker, tshirt only under windbreaker, and socks for gloves?


Joetta and Momma are both upset by Byron's latest fashion trend, but explain how they are different.

Momma is upset because she did not give Byron permission and considers that hair style offensive to their culture.

Joetta is upset because she does not want to see Byron get into trouble.


Complete the next two lines:

"We are all meant... "

What is "We are all meant to shine, as children do.

We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us"?


Complete the line:

"An excerpt from ______

by ____________ ."

What is "An excerpt from A Return to Love by Marianne Williamson"?


This is the reaction the bus driver had toward Larry Dunn's mistreatment of the new kid.

What is angry?

This is Dad's response to Byron's latest fashion trend.

What is shaving Byron's head?


This explains why Momma knows first hand how dangerous fire can be.

What is Momma's childhood home catching fire?


Complete the line:

"It is our light..."

What is "It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us"?


Complete the line:

"You are a... "

What is "You are a child of God"?


The act that caused Kenny to stop playing with L.J.

What are sticky fingers stealing Kenny's dinosaurs?


This is the hysterical act that earned Byron the nickname "The Lipless Wonder."

What is the kissing of his reflection on the frozen car?


Discuss the mourning dove situation and the effect its death had on Byron.

Byron threw a cookie at the dove, and as a result, the dove died. Strangely, Byron reveals a softer side after he starts crying and throws up. He actually feels bad about his actions and buries the dove.


Complete the line:

"It's not just in..."

What is "It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone"?


Complete the first two lines:

"Our deepest fear..."

What is "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.

Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure"?


Explain why Kenny pretends to lose a pair of gloves rather than tell Momma that he lost one.

If Kenny tells Momma that he lost one glove, he would have to live with one cold hand. However, if he tells her that he lost the pair, she would have to get him a new one, and Rufus could have his old pair.


Explain why Byron would tell Kenny and Joetta about the garbage truck picking up frozen bodies.

He said this so they would stop complaining about having to wear the multiple layers of clothing.


Explain the two perspectives Kenny has about Byron's punishment for the fire incident.

On one hand, he is worried about Momma burning Byron's fingers.

On the other hand, he wants to see if Momma would really do it.


Complete the last two lines:

"And as we let..."

What is "And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. 

As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others"?