Informational Text
Anything Goes

We would change the grades of my sister to my sister's grades and use this type of punctuation to show ownership for possessives

What is an apostrophe?
This is the rhyme scheme of the poem below:

I only woke this morning

To find the world is fair,

I'm going on for forty,

With scarcely one grey hair;

What is A, B, C, B.
Archaeologists have found 105 mummies in the four tombs excavated in the last few months.

What is the meaning of the word "excavated"?

What is "dug out" or "unearthed"?
Form of expression in which two things are compared wherein one thing is said to be another.
What is a metaphor?

These are the elements of plot.

What are exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution?
Two words such as I and am can be combined to form a new word such as I'm, creating this type of shortened form of a word.
What is a contraction?

Line 2 uses this type of figurative language --

The rain was pouring down,

beating upon the growing grass;

The silver moon winked,

As the clouds drifted in the breeze.

What are alliteration (line 2) and personification (line 3)?
This is a response to an opposing argument that uses evidence to disprove or dismiss it.
What is a rebuttal?
Language that describes something that is the opposite of what the reader might expect.  It is done to create suspense or humor. 
What is irony?
Boldface, Footnotes, Captions, Tables, Diagrams, and Illustrations
What are text features?
These are used to show dialogue and should be placed before and after a person's exact words.
What are quotation marks?
Why do poets use repetition?
To emphasize important words or phrases and to ensure that the reader doesn't forget or overlook an important detail. 
These organizational patterns include cause and effect, compare/contrast, problem and solution, sequence, and chronological order.  
What are text structures?

The literary device refers to the use of indicative word or phrases and hints that set the stage for a story to unfold and give the reader a hint of something that is going to happen without revealing the story or spoiling the suspense.

What is foreshadowing?
Conflicts usually are categorized according to one of these four types. 
What character vs. character, character vs. society, character vs. nature, and character vs. self?
This type of print can be used in place of underlining for titles, books, films, works of art, and names of ships.  
What is italics?
One line of poetry is also referred to by this name.
What is a verse?
When reading inside of an unfamiliar word to determine its meaning, pay close attention to these three word parts.  
What are prefixes, suffixes, and roots?
What is the story's big message about life?  You could also think of this literary term as being the subject matter of the text.    
What is theme?

Ronald hated the detention room because it was absolutely devoid of warmth and cheer. 

What is the meaning of devoid?

What is "lacking, free from, or without?"

She quickly told Jimmy funny stories. 

Identify the part of speech for each word in the above sentence. 

What is pronoun, adverb, verb, proper noun, adjective, and noun?

This is the author's attitude towards the subject.  

Perhaps the story can be described as hopeful, bitter, admiring, sarcastic, or thoughtful. Pay attention to the what the author says and how he says to figure it out. 

What is tone?
Don't forget to look for a block of text set off from the actual passage.  Authors include these when they want to share extra information that may be interesting or helpful to readers. 
What is a text box?
This narrator reveals what all characters in a story think and feel.
What is third-person omniscient?
In this organizational pattern, the author starts with a situation and then goes back to an earlier event.
What is flashback?