Word Relationships
Figurative Language and Literary Elements
Define First Person, Third Person Limited, Third Person Omniscient
First Person: Uses "I, we, my" - the person narrating or telling the story is part of the "action" part of the story Third Person Limited: Uses "He, she, they" - the person narrating or telling the story IS NOT in the story and only shares the thoughts feelings of one person Third Person Omniscient: Uses "he, she, they" - the person narrating or telling the story IS NOT in the story but shares the thoughts and feelings of everyone in the story
What is meant by tone (author's tone)?
The attitude the speaker or author has about what he or she is speaking
What is a synonym and what is an antonym?
Synonym means same - two words mean the same thing Antonym means opposite - two words that have opposite meaning
Characterize Ponyboy
Ponyboy is a 14 year old Greaser who likes to act tough (tuff) but really isn't. He does not like to fight and he is nice to girls and he is mad that he was given a "bad" deal in life.
What's the difference between similes and metaphors?
A simile compares two unlike things using like or as and a metaphor compares two unlike things WITHOUT using like or as Simile: That dog was as big as a bear! Metaphor: That dog was a bear!
What is the point of view of "The Absolutely True Story of a Part-Time Indian" and "The Outsiders"?
First Person
What is Claudia's tone in this passage: Claudia was furious . . . She refused to look at Jamie again and instead stared at the statue. The sound of footsteps broke the silence and her concentration. Footsteps from the Italian Renaissance were descending upon them! The guard was coming down the steps. There was just too much time before the museum opened on Sundays. They should have been in hiding already. Here they were out in the open with a light on!
Angry and scared
What is a synonym for describe?
Explain, tell about
Characterize Dally
Dally is a really tough member of the Greasers who likes to get in fights, robs people, owns a guy and enjoys breaking the law. He is also very good looking and charming with the ladies
What is foreshadowing?
Giving hints or clues about what is going to happen in the novel
What is the point of view: It is funny that my trip has ended by being such a fast trip around the world. I find myself referred to now as one of the speediest travelers of all times. Speed wasn’t at all what I had in mind when I started out. On the contrary, if all had gone the way I had hoped, I would still be happily floating around in my balloon, drifting anywhere the wind cared to carry me – East, West, North, or South.
First Person
What is the tone of this passage: She huddled in the corner, clutching her tattered blanket and shaking convulsively, as she feverishly searched the room for the unknown dangers that awaited her.
What is an antonym for encourage?
Discourage; tell not to do something
Characterize Junior
Junior is a fighter. He suffers from multiple physical problems from water in his brain to seizures, to his feet are too big and he wears glasses. Lots of people pick on him and bully him but he still does what he wants to do, which is to leave the rez and get a good education.
What is the difference between an internal conflict and an external conflict?
An internal conflict is a problem or struggle that a person deals with within himself (like a decision he has to make). An external conflict is a problem or struggle that a person has with another person or issue (getting in a fight with someone, poverty or racism causes problems)
What is the point of view: He himself was a very old man with shaggy white hair which grew over most of his face as well as on his head, and they liked him almost at once. But on the first evening when he came to meet them at the front door he was so odd-looking that Lucy (who was the youngest) was a little afraid of him, and Edmund (who was the next youngest) wanted to laugh and had to keep on pretending he was blowing his nose to hide it.
Third Person Omniscient
What is the tone of this passage: He furtively glanced behind him, for hear of his imagined pursuers, then hurriedly walked on, jumping at the slightest sound even of a leaf crackling under his own foot.
Nervous, scared
What is a synonym for compute?
Calculate, figure, add/subtract/multiply divide
Describe the relationship between Rowdy and Junior
Rowdy and Junior are best friends even though Rowdy is very tough and likes to fight. He usually defends Junior (when he's not mad at him) and acts as Junior's bodyguard. Junior draws cartoons for Rowdy.
Define hyperbole and imagery
Hyperbole: over exaggeration Imagery: Detailed description usually using all 5 senses
What is the point of view: One of the soldiers, the taller one, moved toward her. Annemarie recognized him as the one she and Ellen always called, in whispers, “the Giraffe” because of his height and the long neck that extended from his stiff collar. He and his partner were always on this corner. He prodded the corner of her backpack with the stock of his rifle. Annemarie trembled. “What is in here?” he asked loudly. “Schoolbooks,” she answered truthfully.
Third Person Limited
What is the tone of this passage: Drawing the attention of his classmates as well as his teacher, the student dared to experiment with his professor’s intelligence by interrogating him about the Bible.
Arrogant, showing off, overconfidant
What is a synonym for important?
Prestigious, prominent, a big deal
Describe the relationship between Darry and Ponyboy
Darry is Ponyboy's oldest brother and he treats Ponyboy as a son. Ponyboy thinks Darry does not like him because he yells at him all the time and even hit him once. We, the readers, know that Darry really loves Ponyboy and he only yells because he is worried about him and trying to take care of him.
Describe how Johnny killing the socs was foreshadowing earlier in the novel
Johnny was jumped and beat up pretty badly by some socs, so every since then he always carried a switchblade with him and would get very nervous around socs. Johnny seemed determined to defend himself, no matter what.