Test Strategies
Fictional Texts
Informational Texts
Analytical Writing

Method used to get rid of answers that we are sure are incorrect

What is eliminate wrong answers


This passage type is fake and doesn't have real characters but could be based on real life scenarios.

What is a fiction text?


This passage type is real and based on factual information.

What is nonfiction/informational?


The objective of an analytical essay.

Use evidence from a passage to support an argument.


Nickname devised by students for Mr. Roane that is actually false.

What is Caillou's dad?


The four things you can bring into the testing arena.

What is an iPad, pen/pencil, water bottle, book?


The overall message behind a story.

What is theme?


The main goal/purpose of an informational text.

What is inform/educate its audience?

The overall argument of an essay is_____. The argument of a paragraph is_____.

What is a thesis and claim?


Roane's favorite baseball team.

Atlanta Braves


The meaning behind the phrase "according to the passage" in a question stem.

What is the answer comes directly from the passage?


Jonas and The Giver in the novel "This Giver."

What are characters?


Information presented by an author to create their argument/purpose. Can be referred to as "logos."

What are facts?


In the following prompt, the a thesis could be:

Write an essay in which you analyze how each passage shapes the reader’s understanding of the ways scientists explore and understand the planet Jupiter. In your essay, be sure to include specific examples of the different facts that are emphasized in each of the three passages.

Each passage shapes the reader's understanding of the ways scientists explore and understand the planet Jupiter by...


The _____ is used to support the ____ in an analytical paragraph.

What is evidence and commentary/analysis?


Method of highlighting paragraphs in a text for certain elements

What is annotating


A dystopian world created for a novel.

What is setting?


What two topics are generally written about on the CMAS in terms of the informational texts?

What are history and science?


In the following prompt, the task is:

Write an essay in which you analyze how each passage shapes the reader’s understanding of the ways scientists explore and understand the planet Jupiter. In your essay, be sure to include specific examples of the different facts that are emphasized in each of the three passages.

Write a compare and contrast essay about how a reader's understanding of scientists exploring Jupiter.


In the following prompt, the task is:

Both the passage from Harris and Me and the passage from The Horse Road explore the theme of how people respond to challenges. Write an essay in which you compare the way the authors develop this theme over the course of each passage. Be sure to use specific examples from both passages in your response.

What is write an essay exploring the theme in the passages Harris and Me and The Horse Road.

What one should do when a question stem asks the following: 

In paragraph three, what does the word "objective" mean"

What is read paragraph three and use context clues to determine word meaning?


The character in Langston Hughes trying to steal the woman's purse.

What is conflict?


After reading each paragraph, a reader should do this either in the margins of the page or in their head.

What are make predictions/inferences & summarize?


In the following prompt, the specific details are:

Write an essay in which you analyze how each passage shapes the reader’s understanding of the ways scientists explore and understand the planet Jupiter. In your essay, be sure to include specific examples of the different facts that are emphasized in each of the three passages.

What is scientists exploring and understanding the planet Jupiter.


In the following prompt, the specific details one is writing about are:

Both the passage from Harris and Me and the passage from The Horse Road explore the theme of how people respond to challenges. Write an essay in which you compare the way the authors develop this theme over the course of each passage. Be sure to use specific examples from both passages in your response.

What is how the authors of the passages develop the theme of how people respond to challenges over the course of their texts?