Story Devices
Plot Elements
Point of View
Figurative Language
Tone and Mood
Cassie posed at the end of the diving board, ready to plunge into the water. Suddenly, she was five years old again, standing on the edge of a dock and falling backward, unable to control her fall, and unable to swim. a. foreshadowing b. flashback c. suspense d. cliffhanger
What is b. flashback
What is the exposition? a. the end of the story b. the turning point in the story c. when conflict arises d. reveals characters and the setting
What is d. reveals characters and the setting
What is point of view? a. the standpoint from which a story is told b. pointing at a wonderful view or scene c. the purpose or reason why an author writes d. an antonym for the word first person
What is a. the standpoint from which a story is told
Which one is a simile? a. the fussy feline frolicked in the summer sun b. She is always complaining about the noise c. Water coursed down the street like a rushing river. d. The ding-dong of the doorbell sounded, startling Sam from his nap.
What is c. Water coursed down the street like a rushing river.
More than anything, Sid wanted to settle down in one school and make friends. Since his parents died, Sid as been passed around between aunts and uncles, never getting a chance to call anywhere home. He was a friendly boy with a big heart. He only needed someone to love. What describes the tone. a. excited b. joking c. sympathetic d. anger
What is c. sympathetic
Cathy skipped down the stairs. Her mother sat in the kitchen, wringing her hands. "I don't know about this," said her mother. "Mom," said Cathy, "It's just a party. What's the worst thing that could happen?" Her mother sighed. "Just be home before midnight." a. foreshadowing b. flashback c. suspense d. cliffhanger
What is a. foreshadowing
What is the climax? a. reveals the characters and setting b. sets the story in motion c. the turning point in the story d. the end of the story
What is c. the turning point in the story
What is first person point of view? a. the standpoint from which a story is told b. The narrator is able to share the thoughts and feelings of all the characters in a story c. The narrator knows the thoughts and feelings of a single character d. relates the thoughts, feelings, and opinions, of the narrator who is part of the story.
What is d. relates the thoughts, feelings, and opinions, of the narrator who is part of the story.
Which of the following is a metaphor? a. Laughter is the best medicine b. She thoughtfully left letters for lonely ladies at the nursing home c. The water crept up the stairs form the flooded basement and was just about to knock on the door. d. The teacher dropped her book on the floor and with a loud bang. "Oops," she said sheepishly.
What is a. Laughter is the best medicine
From the balcony a choir sang in perfect harmony, marking the moment when the couple officially became husband and wife. Guests hugged one another and tossed confetti in the air in celebration and Mr. and Mrs. Samson skipped down the aisle and out to their wedding carriage. What is the tone? a. trustful b. joyous c. suspenseful d. confident
What is b. joyous
Linda heard a scratching at the door. As she walked through the kitchen to the living room, the scratching seemed to get louder. She assumed it was the cat, who might have snuck out, but she saw Snowball, fast asleep on the corner of the couch. The scratching became more insistent and urgent. Linda rushed to the door and swung it open, expecting to see something horrible or frightening. It was a branch, blown by the wind and scratching against the door. a. foreshadowing b. flashback c. suspense d. cliffhanger
What is c. suspense
What is the resolution? a. when conflict arises b. ties up loose ends in the plot c. the end of the story d. sets the story in motion
What is c. the end of the story
What is third person omniscient? a. the narrator is able to share the thoughts and feelings of all of the characters in the story b. the narrator knows the thoughts and feelings of a single character c. the narrator tells a story without describing any of the characters thoughts, opinions, or feelings. d. the standpoint from which a story is told.
What is a. the narrator is able to share the thoughts and feelings of all of the characters in the story
Which of the following is a hyperbole? a. The boys were like a tornado that spun through the house b. My dad was a detective trying to get to the bottom of who broke the lamp. c. The floor is like ice when it has just been washed. Watch your step. d. That house is older than the hills behind it.
What is d. That house is older than the hills behind it.
The sky was as a grey and lifeless as the ground below. The only movement was the trembling of a tumbleweed in the distance. Not a single bird sang, tweeted, or cawed, and there was no tracks to suggest any living thing had ever wandered across the sand. What is the mood. a. warm b. hostile c. emptiness d. relaxing
What is c. emptiness
Jimmy knew it was just a matter of time before his dad saw the dent in the car. He watched his dad get together supplies to wash the car that Saturday morning, watching nervously through the window. His dad started hosing down the car, walking around it without looking closely at any point. Then, he added soap and started to wash the front fender in careful circles. Slowly but surely, his dad moved the sponge closer to the back door where the dent was. Jimmy closed his eyes. His dad saw the dent. a. foreshadowing b. flashback c. suspense d. cliffhanger
What is d. cliffhanger
What is the rising action? a. the turning point in the story b. when conflicts arise, suspense increases c. sets the story in motion d. reveals the characters and setting
What is b. when conflicts arise, suspense increases
What is third person limited point of view? a. the narrator is able to share the thoughts and feelings of all of the characters in the story b. the narrator knows the thoughts and feelings of a single character c. the narrator tells a story without describing any of the characters thoughts, opinions, or feelings. d. the standpoint from which a story is told.
What is b. the narrator knows the thoughts and feelings of a single character
Which of the following is an example of personification? a. Stephen is like a dog with a bone when he gets a new idea. b. Those jeans are begging to be washed. c. That couch is huge and out of place, like a whale in a wading pool. d. Patrick paused to peruse the plants at the greenhouse.
What is b. Those jeans are begging to be washed.
A warm fire crackled in the fireplace, and the chairs gathered around it were plush and oversized. A deep, luxurious carpet greeted cold toes with a comforting embrace, while the huge pillows strewn about the floor suggested it would be okay to stretch out for a while to warm up. What is the mood? a. welcoming b. tense c. gloomy d. haunting
What is a. welcoming
"I've had enough of this," thought Susan. "The next time someone complains about my cooking, I'm throwing this plate on the floor." Susan didn't realize what dire consequences her actions were about to have. a. foreshadowing b. flashback c. suspense d. cliffhanger
What is a. foreshadowing
What is the inciting incident? a. event that sets the story in motion b. reveals the characters and the setting c. ties up loose ends in the plot d. the end of the story
What is a. event that sets the story in motion
What is second person point of view? a. When the narrator tells their own story b. When the author tells someone else's story c. When you read a story to someone d. When the author or narrator is speaking to you, the reader
What is d. When the author or narrator is speaking to you, the reader
What type of figurative language is the following example? And answer the question the follows? My dad is really disappointed because he says our new car is a lemon. What does it mean?
What is an idiom and it means that something was not manufactured well and needs constant repairs. It is broken.
The majestic mountain reached far above the clouds, so that no one standing on the ground could see the summit. Its jagged cliffs plunged into a deep gorge, carved by rushing water that roared and echoed against the steep rock walls. Ancient trees clung to the slope, laden with pinecones the size of car tires, and bigger than any human had ever see before. What is the mood? a. fear b. sarcasm c. awe d. jealous
What is c. awe