The Canon
Biblical Literature Styles
Reading the Bible
Biblical Narratives

These are the three languages that were used to write the Bible. 

Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek


They are not history, but they are not merely stories either. These record the events and lives of the people in the Bible; but above all, they are about God at work in His creation and among His people.



These are the two ways we can approach interpreting the Bible. 

Literally and Figuratively 


These are the three Patriarchs of the Jewish faith, whose lives are spoken of in Genesis. It is impossible to understand Judaism apart from these three foundational figures. 

Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (or Israel) 


This is the most basic structure division for the Bible - two parts. 

Old and New Testament


This is the original list of 39 accepted Jewish books of the Hebrew Bible. 

the Protocanonical Books


This style of Biblical Literature compares two objects for the purpose of teaching. Often these are short and simple rustic stories with a twist ending intending the audience to think about what is being taught. Jesus was a fan of these. 



This is one of the ways the Law can be split: not just ritual - or laws that have to do with God, but also laws about this. 

Civic, or laws that show us how to treat one another. 


In Judaism, he is considered THE Prophet, who gave Israel the Law and, by tradition, the Torah. 



These are the 5 books that make up the Torah or Pentateuch.  

Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy


This is the additional 7 Hebrew books added in the Roman Catholic Bible, but not part of the original list of Hebrew Bible Books. 

Deuterocanonical Books


Based upon the Greek term meaning, uncovering or a revelation. This style of literature pulls the curtain back on what God is doing behind the scenes. This literature is meant to give hope to those who have none, and typically uses strong figurative language.

Apocalyptic Literature


This is the division found in the Books of the Prophets

Major vs Minor Prophets


Once a shepherd, this man became Israel's greatest king. It was prophesied in the Old Testament that the Messiah would be a descendant of his. 

King David


Name an example of a Protocanonical Book NOT found in the Torah.

Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1&2 Samuel, 1&2 Kings, 1&2 Chronicles, the Poetic books, the Prophets.


This refers to the official collection of inspired books or sacred scripture that contain the witness and instruction for our faith. 

The Canon of Scripture 


This style of literature speaks of two things: telling what God will do in the future and, more significantly, interpreting what God thinks about a particular circumstance facing his people. You will often see many exhortations for faithfulness towards God's covenant in these works. 

Prophecy or Prophetic books


Major and Minor Prophets are called "major" and "minor" because of this, and not because of that. (Your answer must include both)

Because of the book length and not because the particular prophet was better than others. 


He was one of Israel's heroes. He was a strong man and Judge, who helped Israel against the Philistines. When his hair was cut, he broke his vow to God and lost his strength. Eventually, God restored him just before he died. 



Name an example of a Deuterocanonical Book.  

Tobit, 1&2 Maccabees, Judith, Wisdom of Solomon, Sirach, Baruch, small portions of Esther and Daniel  


This is one of the oldest manuscript copies of the Hebrew Bible isn’t even written in Hebrew or Aramaic but in Greek. It is the version of the Old Testament the Apostles and Church Fathers used. Legend says it is the product of 70 different, yet miraculously identical, translations. 

The Septuagint or LXX 


Based upon the Greek term meaning, good news, these literature styles are a proclamation of the Kingdom of God and the victory of Christ in restoring creation by his death in the cross. 



The so-called Patriarchal Background found in the Torah covers these two aspects of the Covenant. 

The Foundation (or Leaders) of the Covenant and The Law of the Covenant 


He was once a Jewish Pharisee who persecuted Christians. Eventually, he converted, became an Apostle, and would write 1/3 of the New Testament. 

Saint Paul


These are two of the four ways the Gospels distinctly present Jesus Christ. For example:

Mark shows Jesus as a Servant, while Matthew shows Jesus like this. 

Luke shows Jesus as the perfect Son of Man (a human), while John shows Jesus like this. 

(Your answer must have both.)

Matthew shows Jesus as a King, while John shows Jesus as the Son of God.