
Legends may demonstrate __________ and possess qualities that give the tale verisimilitude. (like in Robin Hood)

human values


 In 1780, a priest in the town of Alfalfa in Mexico hired two boys to look after his horses. One night the boys returned and found the priest had been murdered, the police couldn’t discover the truth and the two boys were found guilty they were hung by the neck and their hands were cut too and hung on the outside of the priest house.

The Severed Hands


Legends don't have happenings that are outside the realm of possibility but they can include _______



She is a witch that turns into an animal at night. Sometimes she appears with the body of a woman and  the face of this animal

The Owl

It was built in the 1970’s by a family of 3 who wanted to build a comfortable place to live for her daughter who was in a wheel chair, and when they came into the house, the little girl fell down and died. The parents sold the house since then visitors say that they have seen the little girl walking around the house.

The Tube House


Form of modern folklore 

urban legends

The white death, the owl and the phantom of the park are examples of 

Mexican urban legends

Legends may be _______ over time to keep them fresh & realistic.

Changed, transformed, altered, renewed...


The story happens in 1522; she had 2 sons with the Spaniard Cortes. He wanted to go to Spain, but she had a dream where her god told her not to let her children go otherwise, when the children return, they would destroy all her nation. Therefore, she murdered her children.

La Malinche : The weeping woman


She fell in love with a doctor, but the doctor left her for another nurse, she got into such a big depression that she died. Nowadays she appears in the halls of hospitals taking care of the patients.

La Planchada


One differences between legends & urban legends is that the last can be spread, told or communicated by _____________

Any media


It has black eyes with blood, he chases her victims, she knocks at your door, 1 knock means that she wants your skim, two knocks your head, 3 knocks your bones, 4 knocks your heart, 5 knocks your teeth, 6 knocks your eyes, 7 knocks your soul.

The White death

Genre of folklore that consists of a narrative with human actions that is believed to have taken place at some point within human history.



She remains in places that were built in old cemeteries, she attacks people that see her at nights, she cries when people listen to her.  They die from a mysterious illness.

The Phantom of the park


He protests social injustice by organizing a band of thieves to prey on the rich and give to the poor.

Robin Hood


Fictional stories often presented as true with macabre and humorous events

Urban Legends


Strange beast, some describe it as a furry lizard creature with red eyes, big teeth and long tongue, its name translates to goat sucker because of its tendency to pray on goats.

El chupacabras


Many _____ operate within the realm of uncertainty, never being absolutely believed but never absolutely doubted



According to the legend, it is a small, hideous, hair creature with deep glowing red eyes. It comes out at night to catch children when they are asleep. It is the Mexican version of the boogieman

El cucuy (coco)


Urban legends contribute to the fears of a society creating _______ and prejudice.



Urban legends can be used for entertainment purposes and to give explanations for random events like _______ and ___________.

disappearances & strange objects


This appears between Mexico and Cuernavaca, the passengers are 3 witches. When they trap somebody, the person will later appear with bruises all over his/her body.

The red car


Urban legends tend to play on the ______ and _______ of people.

fears & emotions


He was a warrior king and winner of 12 battles. It was not until the 12th century that he emerged, as we know him today in History of the Kings of Britain by Geoffrey of Monmouth. Queen Guinevere, Sir Lancelot, and the wizard Merlin emerged as key figures in this legend.

King Arthur


This legend has spread to virtually every area of the Earth. It is also one of the oldest legends of human monsters in recorded history. It refers to humans that turn into a different creature during the full moon. Their other name, Lycanthrope, may also be a hint at the origin of this myth.

The werewolf