Category I
Category II

What is literature review?

A literature review is a written summary of journal articles, books, and other documents that describes the past and current state of information on the topic of your research study (Creswell, 2012).


Complete the sentence:

  • … contains all sources used in the introduction and review.

Reference list


Why is literature review important? Provide at least 2 reasons.

1. It focuses on previous research;

2. Shows how your study fills the 'gap';

3. Demonstrates the necessity for your study;

4. Sets the boundaries or limitations of your study;


In this type of literature review, the author organizes and discusses existing literature based on themes or theoretical concepts.

theme-based literature review


Which of the following statements are true about the introduction part of the literature review?

  • We start with background, moving from general to specific; (1)
  • We move from specific to general; (2)
  • Next parts (paragraphs) are narrower in scope; (3)
  • Next parts (paragraphs) are broader in scope; (4)

1, 3


Main body should:

  • state sub-topics; (1)
  • organize the literature according to common themes (sub-topics); (2)
  • include background; (3)
  • include limitations; (4)
  • demonstrate logical connections and transitions to connect sources; (5)
  • include objective, balanced view from various perspectives; (6)

1, 2, 5, 6


One of the following sentences is an example of an intentional exclusion:

  • This review will not explore the sources published before 2010.
  • Some studies have been undertaken on the advantages of using technology in English language teaching and learning.



In which part of the literature review we include a concise description of the reviewed and analyzed sources as well as limitations (if any)?



The scope of literature includes:

  • Printed or online works;
  • Works in English;
  • Works from a particular location;
  • Time period;

All of them


Which of the following sentences is an example of a summary? Which one is synthesis?

  • Bullying comprises verbal attacks (e.g. name calling, threats), physical behaviours (e.g. hitting, kicking, damaging victim’s property), and relational/social aggression (e.g. social exclusion, rumour spreading) (Monks & Smith, 2006; Olweus, 1993; Smith, 2014)
  • In their book Rising tide: Gender equality and cultural change around the world, Inglehart and Norris (2003) examined how traditional attitudes toward gender roles in 70 countries changed during the 20th century.

1- synthesis

2- summary