Who are the MAIN CHARACTERS in "The Cat Painter"? 

Miral and Rahal

What is the theme in a story? 

It is the message or moral lesson of the story. 

Who is Menggay and what can she do?

Menggay is a little girl who owned a “magical” chicken. The chicken makes a pattern with foo that Menggay can read. She shares the message to her neighbors to help them.


Who is Marvino? 

Marvino is a young boy who wanted to see the museum but couldn't afford to, so he drew his own art inspired by the lessons in Social Studies, which was about the different national heroes. 



Enumerate five ELEMENTS OF A STORY.

Characters, Setting, Plot, Theme, Mood, Point of View and Author's Purpose


How are the main characters in "The Cat Painter" DIFFERENT?

Miral was older. He was diligent with his work and as a senior cat painter, was used to a system. 

Rahal was a young apprentice. He was super active and liked to ask questions especially "Why not?"


What is an INTERNAL conflict?

It is a problem within the character, often involving his or her feelings and ideas. 

In "Menggay's Magical Chicken", the shokoy steals the "magical" chicken. What kind of CONFLICT is this and why?
EXTERNAL because it was another character who caused the problem. (Man vs. Man)

*Double Points* 

Who is Mr. Emilio? Give three facts about him.

Mr. Emilio was an elderly man who met Marvino when the boy saw him drawing while sitting in his wheelchair. Later, we learn tat he was actually a sculptor and the owner of the museum.


TRADITIONAL JEOPARDY (Give the question)

This is where the events of the story begin to create suspense as the character faces conflict. 

What is the rising action? 


What did Miral learned as the story developed? 

He learned that it is okay to change things up once in a while. 



Name the three Palanca Award-winning books we read this quarter WITH THE NAMES OF THE AUTHORS.

"Menggay's Magical Chicken" by Nikki Alfar, "The Cat Painter" by Becky Bravo, and "Marvino's League of Superheros" by Rae Rival-Cosico


What was the CLIMAX or TURNING POINT of the story of Menggay? Described what happened.

It was when she found her chicken with the shokoy, who gave it back because he couldn't read what it was saying. He "exchanged" for the albularya's ring. The shokoy put the ring on and he melted. 


Give three (3) themes or messages that can be derived from the story of "Marvino's League of Superheroes". 

Possible Answers: 

1. Creativity can do you good. 

2. Imagination can help you be more innovative. 

3. Show your talents. 


TRADITIONAL JEOPARDY (Give the question)

It is the background information on the characters and setting explained at the beginning of the story.

What is the exposition?



One of the themes of "The Cat Painter" is It is okay to try new things. What kind of theme is this and why?

EXPLICIT because it was directly stated (by God himself) that the angel painters were given the freedom to do their tasks in their own way. 


What is the theme or message of the clip? What kind of theme is it it? 

Helping others can make you happy. 

It is an implicit theme, as it was NOT directly stated but showed as the video progressed. 


How did Menggay change or grow in the story?

She learned that her neighbors knew it was she who was magical, because she can read the chicken's message. 


What was the INTERNAL conflict that Marvino had to overcome and how did he do it?

It was his desire to see the museum. He couldn't afford to go in, so he decided to make his own art. 

TRADITIONAL JEOPARDY (Give the question)

This wraps up the narrative, resolves its loose ends, and leads toward the closure.  

What is the falling action?


What is the TURNING POINT or CLIMAX in the story "The Cat Painter"? Describe what happened. 

It was when Miral brought Rahal and his multi-colored cats to God. Rahal thought God would get mad at him but He only laughed and said He wanted to see more of these randomly colored felines. 

What is the conflict in the clip? What kind of conflict is it? 

Roland was scared of the dark. It is an EXTERNAL conflict (Man/ ball vs. environment)


Name the people Menggay went to for help to get her chicken back in order.

She went to her parents, her neighbor farmer who gave her carabao milk, the town albularya/ witch doctor who gave her a magical ring worn only by albularyas, and the fisherman who offered to take her to the whirlpool where the shokoy lived. 


Name the seven members of "Marvino's League of Superheroes". (Actual names)

Emilio Jacinto, Jose Rizal, Apoliniaro Mabini, Andres Bonifacio, Melchora Aquino, Gabriela Silang, and Gregoria de Jesus.


Enumerate IN ORDER the five parts of a story's plot.

Exposition, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action and Resolution