Reading the Research
Structure & Organization
APA format
Writing Quality
Random Psychology Stuff
Introduction section, method section, results section, and discussion section
What are the four sections of an empirical article?
(What is True or False) You can not use anecdotes in scientific writing.
What is False? You can illustrate ideas with specific examples and use an anecdote to catch the reader's interest at the beginning of the literature review. You can not use anecdotes as your supporting research evidence.
(What is True or False) On the title page, you need to include the words “Running head” followed by a short version of the title in ALL CAPS on the left side of the header.
What is True?
This is what we talked about in class today
What are transitions?
98% of practicing therapists in the United States use this type of therapy.
What is eclectic?
(What is True or False): If an article is published in a peer reviewed journal you know for sure that it is well-written and scientifically valid
What is False
This section of the literature review Includes a hypothetical scenario or engaging anecdote
What is the opening?
The following sentence contain violations these types of APA guidelines: The autistic kids performed worse on the learning task than the senile elderly people.
What is respectful writing? Should say "The children with autism performed worse on the learning tasks than the older adults"
These are the two main goals of effective scientific writing.
What are clarity and accuracy?
The average adult human brain has this main neurons.
What is 86,000,000,000 (i.e., 86 billion). For years many scientists believed it was 100 billion and many introductory psychology textbooks still inaccurately report 100 billion. I guess if you round up, that's still true!
This type of validity refers to how well a study’s findings generalize to other settings and populations.
What is external validity?
In this section of the literature review, you include reasoned and specific implications, (both practical implications and implications for future research)
What is the Discussion section?
The following sentence indicates this type of APA error. Adult learners have different needs than young adult learners (Jones, Dunn, Magin, Welds, Carter, Magin, & Dertmer, 1996)
What is an in-text citation error? Specifically, this violates the 3,6,8 rule. With 6 or more authors, only put the first author et. al on every in-text citation.
The following sentence provides an example of this type of writing error: The research study evaluated the strengths and limitations of evidence supporting self-affirmation theory.
What is anthropomorphism?
This effect refers to the idea that women self-report wanting to date kind, sensitive men, but in reality are more likely to choose macho men, especially when the macho men are better looking.
What is "the nice guy" stereotype?
This statistic is better than a p-value because it is not as dependent upon sample size and is comparable across studies.
What is an effect size?
This part of the literature review includes at least two sections with two subsections in each section and is usually considered to be the most important and time consuming part of the literature review.
What is the support for thesis?
The following reference indicates these two types of APA errors: Howard, K. I., Krause, M.S., Saunders, S.M., & Kopta, S. M. (1997). Trials and tribulations In the meta-analysis of treatment differences: Comment on Wampold et al. (1997). Psychological Bulletin, 122 (6), 221-225.
What are lack of a hanging indent and including the volume number?
The following horrible sentence provides an example of these three types of writing errors: People in the dual-task condition monitored a series of beeps while reading a list of words, participants in the other group, a different group in the control condition, read only a group of words without the beep.
What are lack of parallel construction, a comma splice and redundant wording? Some Psych 303 writing students do not get a good grade on their literature review due to the fact that they write sentences like these ones.
This therapeutic treatment technique involves helping people with insomnia by having the clinician tell patients that they need to try hard to stay awake all night, which then puts them to sleep faster.
What is paradoxical intention?
“Birthdays are linked to suicide attempts” is a specific example of this type of claim
What is an association claim?
The following sentence from a literature review indicates this type of validity “Butler et al. randomly assigned patients with panic disorder to a CBT condition or to a no treatment condition”
What is internal validity?
The following sentence indicates this type Of APA error. “The therapist recommended that the parents use applied behavior analysis Instead of facilitated communication since facilitated communication lacks empirical validation”
What is a word choice error? Specifically, you need to use because instead of since.
The following sentence provides examples of these two types of writing errors: The results of this research provide a strong indication that high caffeine consumption leads to an increased higher risk of hallucinations.
What are nominalizations and redundant wording?
Of 134 studies predicting human behavior or making psychological or medical diagnoses, this amount of studies (#) showed that clinical prediction (i.e., expert’s judgment) was more accurate than statistical prediction. (Grove et. al, 2000)
What is 8? 63 studies showed statistical prediction to be better and 63 studies showed no significant differences (of course if the person is aware of the research, they should both predict the same thing; it's sad they're not all the same. The clinicians should have studied harder in writing their Psych 303 literature reviews).