Grab Bag
Story Parts
Figurative Language
This part of the story plot introduces the characters, the setting, and starts the plot
What is the exposition?
"Susan had black hair and green eyes. She was kind to everyone." This is an example of what _____ characterization?
What is Direct Characterization?
The sequence or order of events in a story
What is the plot?
"I wandered lonely as a cloud/ That floats on high o'er vales and hills..." This is an example of what figurative language?
What is a simile?
"Bobby hit James over the head with a baseball bat." What type of conflict is this?
What is character vs. character?
The attitude of the author towards the subject he or she is writing about
What is tone?
"Susan woke up on time this morning. She got ready for school and went to her bus stop. When a girl on her bus was picking on a younger kid, she took up for the little girl, and let her sit beside of her on her way home that afternoon." This is an example of _______ characterization?
What is indirect characterization?
Where the story takes place and when it takes place
What is the setting?
"Life is a frail moth flying,
 /Caught in the web of the years that pass..." What type of figurative language is this?
What is metaphor
"Sarah ran into the hallway, escaping the laughter of the entire class." Type of conflict?
What is character versus group?
A section in a literary piece that interrupts the sequence of events in order to relate an earlier incident or set of events.
What is flashback?
The speaker in the story or character in the story who tells what happens in it
What is the narrator?
This is the highest point of the story, where the turning point of the action is.
What is the climax?
"Now the sun is laid to sleep." This is an example of what figurative language?
What is personification?
"Amanda ran as fast as she could from the grizzly bear that was chasing her down the path."
What is character versus nature?
An author’s use of hints or clues to give a reader an idea of what may happen next.
What is foreshadowing?
This character is the main character or the hero of the story
What is the protagonist?
The central or main message of a story
What is the theme?
The students thundered down the hallway as if they were elephants stampeding in the savannah. Type of figurative language?
What is hyperbole?
"Amy went a protest in Washington D.C., standing up for others against the new law that was enacted last month." What type of conflict is this?
What is character versus society?
A character who changes over the course of the story
What is a dynamic character?
This character works against the main character of the story. Sometimes, he is called the villain
What is the antagonist?
The atmosphere or feeling a story evokes or creates.
What is the mood?
"Three grey geese in a green field grazing," This shows what type of figurative language?
What is alliteration?
"Harry Potter wanted to run away rather than help Hogwarts, but he knew that everyone was depending on him to save them from Voldemort, even since the day he was marked with a scar."
What is character versus fate (or destiny)?