Author's Craft
If a reader had a nonfiction book titled "Ocean Life", and wanted to find all the places in it where dolphins were mentioned, she could find that information in the book's... a. index b. glossary c. introductory hook d. narration
Who is the author of "The Jungle Book"?
Rudyard Kipling
"Ain't it jolly?" said Joe. ?"It's nuts," said Tom. is an example of what? (simile, tone, theme, dialect)
What does the word "chronologically" mean?
in time order
Why does Jason risk his life to get the Golden Fleece?
Pelias promises to take care of Jason's father and give Jason the kingdom if he returns with the Golden Fleece.
What do you think the author's purpose for writing an article called "Recycling: The Best Choice for a Small Planet" would be?
To persuade the audience about the benefits of recycling.
"[A pup will] …let you snuggle down beside. Nor mock the tears you have to hide." What do these lines show about the speaker of the poem? A. She cries because she wants a dog of her own. B. She thinks she has to hide her emotions from her dog. C. She wishes her dog could talk with her. D. She finds comfort in her dog's company.
D. She finds comfort in her dog's company
"Her eyes were twin stars, dancing above a dawn-blushed sky" is an example of what kind of figurative language?
What is alliteration?
The repetition of consonant sounds (usually in poetry). Ex. Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary, Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore...
What do Jason, Perseus and Theseus all have in common?
they were all heroes of ancient Greece.
In "Bactrain Camels," the author states that since a camel's humps are filled with fat, then it can survive in the desert with little food and water. What is the relationship between these facts called?
Cause and Effect
At the end of "The Three Brass Pennies," Ah Fo gives back the pennies and asks for a contented mind, new zest for his studies, and to forget what he learned by using the pennies. What is the theme that Ah Fo's words reflect?
Happiness does not come from wishes, but from the results of your work.
What mood does the author create in the following sentence? "The sunbeams tickled the flowers in the meadow, and the stream laughed merrily as it skipped among the rocks." lonely playful solemn content
What is a symbol in literature? (define and give an example for bonus points)
A symbol is something that represents something else. Ex. In "The Magic Prison" as Harweda learns empathy, the palace windows grow larger and he can see outside. These parallel events show that the windows are a symbol for looking beyond one's own desires.
Today, Damon and Pythias are remembered as...
Friends who offered to sacrifice their lives for each other.
Raphael Sanzio and Mary Cassatt were both ______
In the Jungle Book, what is the greatest conflict that Mowgli must resolve? a. how to defeat Shere Khan b. being accepted by the wolf pack c. finding a place where he belongs d. earning Bagheera's trust
c. finding a place where he belongs
What is one way that an author might describe a character indirectly? (hint there are 5 ways)
Through his/her actions Through what he/she says Through his/her thoughts Through what other characters say about him/her Through how other characters react to him/her
What is the turning point of the book called. For example, in "The Jungle Book" it is when Mowgli traps Shere Khan in the ravine and has the buffalo trample him to death, thereby ending the war between them.
Baucius and Philemon show kindness to strangers, try to save their neighbors from an awful fate, and, when offered anything the gods can give, ask never to be parted. These events reflect the theme of: a. the importance of hospitality b. unselfish love c. the power of compassion d. the value of kindness
b. unselfish love
Name three types of nonfiction genres.
Examples: newspapers, encyclopedia, pamphlet, reference book, biography, etc.
The boy who Tom Sawyer most admires and who the adults of the village view as a pariah is _______.
Huckleberry Finn
If an author wrote a pamphlet called "How to grow your own food" you could infer that the author's purpose would be to:
Inform or instruct their reader.
What is the end of the story called?
the resolution
what is a myth?
stories that are not true, involve supernatural beings, and tell how certain things came to be