Dream Weaver
Just Another Ordinary Day
Cam Jansen and The Mystery of Babe Ruth's Ball
Snakes are Hunters
Cool Ali
Who were the main characters in the story
Yellow Spider and the boy
At what time did the girl get up in the story and what was so odd about her alarm
She got up at 6:30 and a man was her alarm
Who were the four main characters in the story?
Eric, Cam, the old man, and the boy in the green jacket
Where do snakes live?
In hot climates and jungles
What does Ali like to do?
What did Yellow Spiders feet look like?
Why did it take the girl so long to get dressed?
She had so many buckles and buttons
What did Cam do at the Hobby show that made everyone gather around her?
She could remember the facts on the baseball cards
What are three things that are alike with all snakes?
They have round eyes, no eyelids, larger scales on their bellies, scales that look like shingles, A spectacle on their eye, and no legs
What are four pictures that Ali draws on the sidewalk?
A lake, a polar bear, an umbrella, the North wind, flowers, snow.
What cause the spider's web to fall?
A hiker passing by
How did she get down the stairs?
She flew down the stairs with wings.
Where are the three locations that the story takes place
The Hobby Show, The Park, The boys apartment (in the city).
What are three animals that snakes eat
frogs, mice, chicken, rats, deer, and pigs
What genre is this story? (Folktale, Biography, Informational, Fiction, or Realistic Fiction? Why
Realistic Fiction because some of the events could take place in real life?
Why did the ant back away from the raindrop?
It seemed like a pool that was too deep for him
Amanda rode with Mrs. Ellensworth. What was so interesting about this character. What did Amanda think she was?
Amanda thought she was the oldest person on the block and she was a dinosaur
What was so special about the baseball that was stolen?
It was signed by Babe Ruth.
What are the three ways that snakes kill thier prey
They eat them whole, they squeeze them to death before eating them, and they inject poison.
How do you know that everyone enjoyed Alli's pictures?
They clapped and cheered for her
Spiders can be as big as what?
A person's hand
In the story what are you asked to create as I read it aloud to you?
Mental images
How had the boy in the story stolen the baseball.
He had put it in his pocket, then exchanged it for one that the kids were playing with at the park. He later traded back the ball with the kids and taken the ball back to his apartment.
How does a snake sense it's prey
It uses its nostrils, tongue, and vibration of the ground due to animals moving.
What scenes help us to know that the weather was changing
The wind, the sky darkening, the drumming and hissing of the rain.