What subject involves mitosis?
Biology/Living Enviorment
Who is known as the brainiac?
What is typically served on Wednesdays?
French toast sticks/tacos
Where did we go for the 8th grade final trip?
Six Flags
Who is our principle?
What were the names for the three groups in France, prior to the revolution
First, second, and third estate
What teacher currently teaches Global 1 and 2
How much are the cookies?
One dollar
In the spring time, why did we go to Black River?
How many credits do you get for chorus per year?
What subject involves "Of Mice and Men"?
Who is the head boys basketball coach?
Coach Shepardson
Name a breakfast food served
judge will determine answer
For what field trip did we go to Doldgeville?
The Royal Mountain fieldtrip
What sport is the homecoming game for?
Who teaches chemistry?
Name a volleyball player
judge will determine
How much does lunch cost?
Nothing/it's free
Where was the museum we went to?
How many years do you need to take gym?
What class does this question accosiate with?
Prove the triangle is an iscocoles
Who is the imposter?
judge will determine
How much is the mighty mini ice cream?
75 cents
What mountain did we hike?
Bald Mountain
What color is the math wing?