When do you start to clean and write your end of session note?
Last 10 minutes of session
Template: (Name) was (engaged/disengaged) as evidenced by (one observable behavior). (Name) worked on (List 1-3 programs) during session. Barriers to progress included: (list any barriers such as problem behaviors, environmental distractions, attention, etc). Effective reinforcers were: (List reinforcers used during session)
End of session note
An antecedent modification often used for escape-maintained behaviors. Modifying the way in which tasks are presented to decrease motivation to escape them.
Task Modification
This program requires the child to imitate the sound exactly how it is presented to them
This supervisor owns a catering business
Gaby D.
This is sent to parents when they cancel less than 24 hours before the scheduled session
Parent Enrichment Handout
The section in Skills you can record ABC data, parent questions, and nonurgent messages to your supervisor
Correspondence Notes
The discontinuing of reinforcement of a previously reinforced behavior. In other words, no longer reinforcing a previously reinforced behavior.
SD: "What does a cow say?"
Response: "Moo"
Sound discrimination
This supervisor went to military school for two years
What do you do when there is a new maladaptive behavior that impedes on a child's learning.
Write ABC Data
What does DTT stand for?
Discrete Trial Training
What does ABC stand for?
Antecedent, Behavior, Consequence
This program often requires a field of 2 or more pictures and presenting the vocal SD: "Point to ___"
This supervisor loves to embroider
A session your supervisor is present at. This session is meant to actively work through each program. At this session, you should conduct your session as usual, ask all your questions, and brainstorm ideas to continue to progress a child's program.
Supervisor Overlap
An EI will take this type of data when there are technical difficulties with the iPad. The data should be emailed to the supervisor at the end of session. EI will include program, exemplar, prompts used, and end of session note.
Paper Data
What is escape extinction?
Not allowing client to escape the activity presented and utilizing prompting strategies to follow through with the task
This program teaches attending, cognitive skills, and problem solving skills. Materials include puzzles, shape sorters, pegboards, and stacking rings.
Task Completion
This supervisor is a die hard Green Bay Packer fan
The procedure by which a neutral stimulus (person, place, or object) becomes a conditioned reinforcer. This procedure is how an Early Interventionist establishes instructional control. This procedure can be done with a new client or at the start of sessions.
What type of program(s) can we use a no response trial?
Echoics or any program that requires the child to vocally respond
Name the 4 Functions of Behaviors
Escape, Attention, Access to Tangible, Sensory/Automatic Reinforcement
A child's request or demand
This supervisor has an undergrad degree in English Literature and used to write movie reviews for the college newspaper