Allergies and Medications
Safe Arrival

The headcount during transitions falls into what area of supervision

What is Ratios

- ask ratios for the rooms as a bonus points


What following things do we do with outside time?

-Playground check

-Clean up yard after

-Put outside time on database (2 hours a day)


What areas of development should planning be done for?

Gross Motor                       Circle time

Fine Motor                         Sensory

Art                                    Science



Drugs and medications that can be administered at the Center

Prescription or over the counter medications with a medical plan in place or medical form completed  or only for teething pain for infants.


When a child arrives for the day of care list 3 things you could ask.

How was their night/ morning or weekend?

Any changes to pick up today?

Ask for details if you notice a scratch or mark, and ask them to sign them in


Every 10-15 mins depending on the classroom what is conducted daily?

What is Sleep Checks

What are we doing when we do a sleep check?


When should a child wash hands and how long?

Arrival, before and after meals, after outside time, after activities, after toileting.

As long as the birthday song


How do we make an activity inviting

Have it available-accessible to children

Plan things they are interested in

Add new things in to engage them more!


My throat is closing, and I'm finding it hard to breath. What do I need for my symptoms?

Epipen, in some cases an allergy medication too.


A child has not shown up to care and its been 45 mins what do you do?

Message the parent on Bright Wheel asking if they are coming in, if not response in 15 more mins, please call parent, and others on client card to find out if the child is safe. If still no answer call police and Simcoe Muskoka Family Connexions


A teacher in a central part of the classroom with proper eye sight in classrooms is

Proper positioning during supervision


What is a serious occurrence and who is it reported to?

death, abuse/neglect or allegation

Life threatening injury or sickness

Child missing or un supervised

Unplanned disruption of care risk to child

Report to the CCLS (ministry site) or Simcoe Muskoka Family Connexions


How can we show parents what their children are learning?

Pictures on bright wheel- with a description of what they are learning and doing

On BW there is a calendar to put the things they will be learning for the families to see, this is why planning in advance is important


Drugs or medication must be labeled with the following

Childs name, name of medication, dosage, storage, administration instructions, expiry, RX or DN number


If someone is picking up a child who you have not met what do you do?

Ask for identification, check the name with the client card to match the name. Ensure child is signed out by either the pick up person or room staff if not able to sign out.


Who can be unsupervised with access to children

Employee with an up to date VSS criminal record check


Where are our two evacuation locations

Outside away from the building at the front across the parking lot, or at back by fence or CPA building down the street if building is shut down


What do we do after the planned experience/activity

Observations and documentation the learning- how well they did and how they meet the learning objective


Medication should be stored.

In kitchen lock boxes or in classroom backpack out of reach of children depending on the medication


Parent does not have a court order but asks that a child is not released to the other parent. Do you withhold the child?

No we cannot with hold a child from the other parent without court documents unless it's a safety concern and a Simcoe Muskoka Family Connexions. Or if there is an order of no contact.


These items are read annually and signed off on

Policies and procedures on the database


How many times do we wash the toys? and How?

Mouth toys- in a seperate bucket

2x a day at least

3 sink method- wash with soap, cleaner or bleach, water. 


Where should planning be completed, and how many should be done in a day?

Both indoors and outdoors

Continual throughout the day should be offered and accessible all day to encourage engagement- less behaviors when children are busy and engaged in activities


A child forgets their antibiotic or medication for that day with a plan or form in place?

Child cannot be in care, or parent must bring in the medication to administer it.


If a child is not picked up by their schedule pick up time, unless its changed for the day, or past 6pm

Call parent or Authorized pick up person

If center is closing and no contact still after one hour call police and Simcoe Family Connexions