How long is the first part of Ordinary Time?
What is 6-8 weeks
What happens on Easter?
What is Jesus rises from the dead
What happens on Christmas?
What is Jesus is Born!
This season follows (the first part of) Ordinary Time.
What is Lent
What is the color for the Advent season?
What is Violet
What color is used for the Ordinary Time season?
What is Green
What is celebrated on Easter?
What is the central mystery of Christ, his triumph over death, and the cross and Resurrection
This feast is celebrated during the Christmas season.
What is the Epiphany
What is the color for the Lenten season?
What is Violet
How long does Advent last?
What is 4 weeks
How long is the second part of Ordinary Time?
What is 23-26 weeks.
How long did Jesus stay on the Earth for after he rose from the dead?
What is 40 days
What is the color for the Christmas season?
What is White
When does Lent begin?
When is Ash Wednesday
This season prepares us for the coming of Jesus.
What is Advent
What Sunday does the Liturgical Year end?
What is Christ the King Sunday
What is the color for the Easter season?
What is White
Double Jeopardy
What feast day ends the Christmas season?
What is the Baptism of the Lord
What is another name for Holy Thursday?
What is Passover
What color is used for the 3rd Sunday of Advent?
What is Rose
What day is All Saints Day?
When is November 1st
This is another name for Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday.
What is the Holy Triduum
For how long does Christmas last?
What is 2 weeks
When does Lent continue until?
When is Holy Thursday
Double Jeopardy
How long is Advent this year? (Year C 2019)
What is 23 days