How many days are in Lent?
40 days
What color represents Ordinary Time?
Green, symbolizing hope and life.
What feast do Catholics celebrate on December 25?
Christmas / Jesus' birthday
How many days are in Holy Week?
What event do we celebrate on Easter Sunday?
The Resurrection of Jesus
What is the main color of the Christmas season?
What is the main color of Lent?
Purple / Violet
How many periods of Ordinary Time is in the liturgical calendar?
2 periods
One after Christmas
One after Pentecost Sunday
How many weeks are in Advent?
4 weeks
What event starts the Holy Week?
Palm Sunday, recalling Jesus' entrance into Jerusalem
What color represents Easter season?
What feast is celebrated on January 1st?
The Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God.
What are the three main practices of Lent?
Prayer, Almgiving/charity, Fasting
Ordinary Time periods fall between which liturgical seasons
1. Between Christmas and Lent
2. Between Easter and Advent
Which prophet foretold the virgin birth of Christ, often read during Advent?
Prophet Isaiah
"Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel"
Immanuel meaning "God is with us"
List the names of the Holy Triduum
Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Vigil / Holy Saturday
How many days are in Easter Season?
50 days, beginning Easter Sunday until Pentecost Sunday
What were the gifts the 3 magi brought to Jesus?
Gold: Symbolized that he was Christ the King
Frankincense: Symbolized that he was Christ the High Priest
Myrrh: Symbolized Jesus' death for the sake of the truth and that he was Christ the Prophet
What is the name of the first day of Lent?
Ash Wednesday
How long is Ordinary Time in total?
33 / 34 weeks
What is the name of the Third Sunday of Advent?
Gaudete Sunday
What two days during Holy week does the priest wear red robes?
Palm Sunday
Good Friday
What day in Easter Season do the priest wear red robes?
Pentecost Sunday
The Feast celebrating the visit of the Magi/wise men to Jesus is called what?
The Epiphany
What is the Sunday halfway in Lent called?
Laetare Sunday, priests can optionally wear pink robes
Which two solemnities always occur during Ordinary Time?
The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity
- Sunday after Pentecost
- Celebrates the Mystery of the Holy Trinity
The Solemnity of Christ the King
- Sunday before Advent (Last day of the Liturgical Year)
- Celebrates Jesus Christ as King of the Universe
What does each week of Advent represent and what color candle gets lit each week?
First week: Hope (purple)
Second week: Peace (purple)
Third week: Joy (pink)
Fourth week: Love (purple)
Good Friday - to commemorate Jesus' dying on the cross
The Second Sunday of Easter is called what?
Divine Mercy Sunday
St. Faustina Kowalska, a polish nun, received revelation from Jesus about his Divine Mercy
Celebrated Second Sunday of Easter to bridge connection between Jesus' Resurrection and his Divine Mercy. Jesus himself chose this day.
Which Gospel is the only one that mentioned the shepherds visiting baby Jesus?