What color represents Ordinary Time?
How many days is Christmas?
12 days long.
How many days does it last?
46 days.
True or false it begins on the evenings of the three days?
Who read the first reading?
True or False Ordinary Time happens twice a year.
What are the colors of Christmas?
White and gold.
What colors represent Lent?
What happened on Holy Saturday?
Jesus was put in the tomb.
Who read the Prayer of the Faithful?
What is the main focus of OT?
Jesus' life and ministry.
Where did Mary, Joseph, Jesus flee too?
What is Almsgiving?
Serving and devoting time to helping others.
What are the three days called in Holy Week?
Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday.
What special day ends Christmas?
Baptism of the Lord.
What is the longest season of the church?
Ordinary Time.
What caused the Holy Family the flee?
Herod killing baby boys under 2.
What happened on Good Friday?
Jesus died and was on the cross for 3 hours.
What is the Epiphany?
What does the color green represent?
Life and Hope.
Who do we celebrate?
What do we prepare for?
Easter and Jesus' death.
What happened on Holy Thursday?
The Last Supper.
Who is getting Baptisted on Sunday?
Coira, Gigi, August, Frank.