Advent is this many weeks.
What is 4?
The Christmas season is this long.
What is 12 days?
Lent is this many days long.
What is 40?
Triduum is Latin for these words.
What is "three days"?
This is how long the Easter season is.
What is 50 days?
This is the color of Advent.
What is purple?
These are the colors of Christmas.
What are white and gold?
This day marks the beginning of Lent.
What is Ash Wednesday?
Triduum begins on this day of Holy Week.
What is Holy Thursday?
This is what we celebrate during the Easter season.
What is the Resurrection of Jesus?
This is one of the main focuses of Advent.
What is preparing for Christ's Second Coming?
What is the "Angels' Mass"?
This is how we participate in Christ's work of salvation during Lent.
What is fasting, prayer, and almsgiving?
This is what we celebrate on Holy Thursday.
What is Jesus' Last Supper?
This is a celebration that prolongs a Church feast to eight days.
What is an octave?
This is the group of psalms, hymns, prayers, Scripture readings, and spiritual reading arranged by the Church to be prayed at certain times every day.
What is Liturgy of the Hours?
This is the feast during the Christmas season during which the Church remembers the visit of the Magi, who came to worship Jesus, the newborn King.
What is the Epiphany of the Lord?
Lent prepares us for these upcoming celebrations.
What is Holy Week and Easter?
These are the liturgical actions that we participate in on Holy Thursday.
What is the procession of holy oils, the washing of feet, emptying of the sanctuary, and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament?
This is what the Sprinkling Rite is a memorial of.
What is Our Baptism?
The Liturgy of the Hours includes these short verses from Sacred Scripture.
What are Antiphons?
This tradition is when families bless their houses with certain prayers, holy water, and, in some places, mark their doorways with chalk on the Epiphany of the Lord.
What is the Epiphany House Blessing?
This is what our Lenten penances assist us in.
What is turning away from sin and following Jesus?
Mass ends on Holy Thursday. (True or False)
What is False?
This is what the Sprinkling Rite cleanses us of.
What is Venial Sin?